5 Questions For Women Over 40; House Allergies; Razor Burn
Dr. Oz poses questions for women over 40 to ask their doctor. House Allergies: What you need to do today to make sure your house is allergen-free, Are you allergic to your home, plus the allergy-free checklist. Razor burn. "Family Food: Memory Boosters Edition" game.
Dr Oz The Top 5 Questions Women Over 40 Must Ask Now
Dr Kimberly Manning and Dr Donnica Moore are guests on The Dr Oz Show Today! Ask the right questions at the right time.
Dr Oz has the top 5 questions every women over forty needs to ask her doctor. Dr Oz says over 40 is one of life's toughest contradictions. Once your entering the best years of your life, your body is entering its worst. Your chances of developing heart disease are 11 times higher. The odds you'll come down with a Thyroid problem are more than twice as likely, and your risk for breast cancer sky rockets. Over 95% of all new cases are with with women over forty.
Knowing the right questions to ask your doctor is your first line of defence, and there 5 must ask questions.
Question #1: Is it menopause?
Dr Donnica Moore;
It’s important for women over 40 to know how to recognize menopause. Very simply, menopause is a clinical diagnosis based on not having had a period for 12 consecutive months, provided there’s no other reason, such as being pregnant or nursing.
The average age for menopause onset is 51. Women have menopausal symptoms beforehand if they undergo menopause earlier or experience peri-menopause – an approximate 2-10 year time span of having periods along with some menopausal symptoms.
Common symptoms associated with peri-menopause and menopause include: missed periods, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, forgetfulness, low libido and mood swings. Sleep disturbances, an often overlooked symptom, are also very common.
Question #2: Do I still need birth control?
Liz found out she was pregnant, and it wasn't a planned pregnancy! Dr Donnica Moore says if you still have your ovaries, and all the essential female body parts, and not on the pill you will get pregnant.
A recent study shows that women over 40 are almost as likely to have unplanned pregnancies as 16 year olds. Certain myths, like thinking you’re too old to get pregnant, contribute to women over 40 getting pregnant.
Birth control after 40
Unless you have officially entered menopause you need to use contraception, even if you’ve had infertility in the past.
If you don’t smoke or have any other risk factors, you can safely take the pill under the advice of your doctor. Women over 40 on the pill reap other benefits like treating peri-menopausal symptoms, PMS and fibroids.
Question #3: How healthy is my heart?
Heart Disease is the leading cause of death for women in their 40s, 50s and 60s. In addition to family history, the risk factors for heart disease include unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise and smoking. Josie joined Dr Oz on stage today, she had a heart attack in forties, and one in her fifties
High blood pressure is the #1 cause of heart attacks. Some pharmacies have blood pressure machines that allow you to check it yourself, along with your cholesterol and blood sugar numbers.
More on Dr Oz Heart Attacks In Women
Question #4: Why am I gaining weight?
Patricia asked the question why am I gaining weight, she eats right, exercises but still can't drop the pounds.
After turning 40, most women need to eat much less and move more to maintain the weight they had when younger. With age your metabolism slows, estrogen level drops and muscle mass diminishes. Weight gain can also signal hypothyroidism – an under active thyroid. Other symptoms of hypothyroidism include dry skin, fatigue and an inability to tolerate cold.
In normal thyroid function, the hypothalamus and pituitary activate the thyroid to release hormones. With hypothyroidism, the brain loses feedback from the thyroid and keeps trying to activate it, which results in the thyroid getting larger, creating a condition known as goiter.
If the muscles on the sides of your neck feel larger than usual, you might have a thyroid issue. Your doctor can perform a simple blood test to check for thyroid disease.
Dr Manning says calories in, calories out.
Question #5: What supplements should I take?
Women over 40 need to increase their supplement intake to make up for common deficiencies such as low vitamin D. The body needs vitamin D to help absorb calcium and protect against bone loss associated with osteoporosis.
You’re at greater risk for low-vitamin D if you have dark skin, regularly wear high SPF sunscreen or live in a northern climate. To get enough vitamin D from the sun, you need about 15-20 minutes of daily exposure, which is not always possible.
To protect against bone loss:
Women in their 40s should have their vitamin D checked with a simple blood test, practice resistance training, refrain from smoking and take a supplement.
Women 65 and older should get a bone mineral density scan. Those who have a family history of osteoporosis, smoke or take steroids should get screened earlier. If your bone density results are below normal, prescription vitamin D and calcium, a higher intensity scan of your hips and weight-bearing exercise may be called for.
Supplements for Women Over 40
1. Vitamin D
2. Calcium-Magnesium
3. Multivitamin
4. Omega 3
Dr Oz Is Your House Making You Sick
In this segment of the show Clifford Bassett the allergist joins Dr oz. Dr oz sent him to the home of Maria, and her two children Allison and Brian, they have lived in this house for 25 years. Brian is always congested and on antibiotics, Allison has asthma and requires hospitalization with respiratory problems.Once Dr. Bassett went through their home he had some startling results for the family, and yes they are allergic to their home. Dr Bassett had skin prick tests done on them and found everybody is tremendously sensitive to house dust mites. The active ingredient in house dust. Dog dander they tested positive, humidity in the high category over 50%, tested positive to the mold found in the house. The bottom line is mildew increases when humidity levels go over 50%. The dust mites will have a field day and also activates molds and other sources of indoor allergies and their symptoms.
1. Dust mites
2. Dog Dander
3. High Humidity
4. Mold
They have a dog which leaves pet dander in the beds, couch, carpets, pretty much everywhere. There was a flood in the basement that had left mold growing up the walls.
Dr Oz 3 Step Anti Allergy Plan Of Attack
Dr Oz says the bedroom is Maria's number one hot spot for her home allergies. Dust on your table tops, dust on your curtains. Dust is made up of pet dander, dead skin, dust mites, all are highly allergenic.
Anti-Allergy Plan - Help your family breathe easier. Make your home an allergy-free zone.
Step 1: Destroy Dust Mites
As much time as you spend in your bed, dust mites, the active ingredient in house dust, spend even more. In just 2 weeks a new bed can have 2 million dust mites living in there. Though you can’t see these allergens, their feces is a huge cause of itching, watery eyes, nasal congestion and coughing.
Zip your mattresses and pillows into Dust Mite Covers
Wash bedding in hot water (at least 130 degrees) to kill dust mites.
For items that can’t be covered or easily cleaned such as upholstery or curtains, sprinkle or spray on a tannic acid solution (found at allergy control retailers) that neutralizes the proteins caused by dust mites (and pet dander) so they won’t trigger an allergic reaction.
Step 2: Keep it Clean
Besides dust mites, your home is filled with other free-floating allergens such as pet dander (skin flakes from your cats and dogs) that find their way into your nose, throat and ear passages causing a scratchy throat, watering eyes, sneezing and congestion. Regular cleaning will keep them from building up.
Dust, sweep, and vacuum at least once a week, including curtains, blinds, and vents. Whenever possible, use HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filters, which take up even the smallest microns of dust and trap cat and dog dander.
Wear a dust mask N95
Use a particle-trapping dust cloth instead of a feather duster. It will pick up the dust rather than just sending it in a flurry into your air.
Hold the line on humidity. It’s not just mold and mildew (both allergens in their own right) that thrive in moist, warm environments. Dust mites are big fans too. Buy a hygrometer
Step 3: Clear the Air
When the fastidious folks at NASA studied home air quality, they found that it was 5 times worse than the air outside, which is why the air in your home is your final allergy-proofing frontier.
Purchase an air purifier with a HEPA filter.
For a cheaper alternative, fill your home with air-filtering plants. Plants such as fichus, snake plants, and gerbera daisies can clean your air by removing carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and other indoor air pollutants. Ask your local plant store for other suggestions.
Change the filters in your heating and air conditioning systems and units 4 times per year.
Dr Oz Memory Boosting Foods
In this segment Dr oz talks about superfoods that can boost your memory power and keep your brain sharp in a game called family foods with the Dicarlo's and Fonte's family. Memory Boosters, Stay sharp! Learn which superfoods help to bolster your brain power.

1. Chocolate - Cocoa - Natural Cocoa has the highest source of antioxidants
2. Strawberries
3. Artichokes
4. Black Beans
Foods That Protect The Brain
The top 4 foods with the most Choline, B vitamins in that guards the brain against degeneration, B Vitamins are found in animal products.

1. Eggs are the number one source, eggs have the richest source of choline in the world
2. Cod Fish
3. Salmon
4. Skim Milk
Dr Oz How To Prevent Razor Burn And Shaving
This quite an amusing video with Dr Oz shaving the hair on his arms, face and legs. He even shows you a little remedy using aspirin and water to soothe the skin after shaving.