On Good Morning America(GMA) this morning there was talk of the Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet Cookie Diet. Is it real, or is it too good to be true. At age 28 and 240 lbs. this lady said she would rather eat a cupcake then eat vegetables, just couldn't eat healthy. She found Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet Online.
6 months later her size 24 frame was a size 6, she is now a size 0. When she started the cookie diet there was no splurging, no sneaking little snacks she says she was very strict. Josie's story landed her on the cover of people magazine. Celebrities like Denise Richards, jennifer Hudson and Kelly Clarkson also reportedly tried the Cookie Diet.
Here is how it works, you eat 6 specially developed Diet Cookies throughout the day with water. There is no set meals you just eat them when you are hungry. Then you eat approximately a 500 calorie dinner of lean protein and vegetables.
Dr. Sandford Siegal developed his diet cookie after years of treating obesity patients saying the number one factor that ruins diets is hunger, so he wanted to create a product that will control that hunger.
The cookie is a form of amino acids, and Siegal said it is something people would like and women could carry this Cookie product around in the purse, it doesn't require refrigeration.
Siegal says the low 1000 calorie Cookie Diet is to take weight off fast. Siegal says he knows from experience that if the weight loss doesn't come off fast, they quit the diet, and therefore you don't accomplish anything.
One doctor said there is no credible medical evidence to support that the Cookie Diet helps people to lose and maintain weight loss over a long period of time, or there is any health benefit from doing it, there is not enough nutrition.
GMA sent the Cookie Diet Cookies to a lab to see if they matched the nutrients listed on the label, and yes the cookies are what they say they are. But experts say they are not enough.
Dr. Siegal went on to say he has treated over a half a million patients over a 34 year period with Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet, and claims he is yet to see the first case where anyone suffered any ill effect from eating a low calorie diet. he says obesity is much riskier than a very low calorie diet and that cookie diet customers take a daily multi vitamin to assure good nutrition. He says he never intended for the Cookie Diet to be a long term program, but Josie has been on the Cookie Diet for two years now, and does not know if or when she will stop. I guess that's why she is a size zero on the Cookie Diet, and no longer needs her fat pants.
The cost of the cookie diet is approximately 250.00 dollars a month, or eight dollars a day for a month's supply of the Cookie Diet Cookies, and free worldwide shipping.
Dr. Siegal is frequently in the news. Over the years he has been profiled by ABC's Good Morning America, New York Daily News, CNN, and Fox News Channel.
Dr. Seigal's Cookie Diet Claims get started now and lose weight fast.
Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet - More than 500,000 people have used his cookies to lose weight. Now it's your turn!
The Cookie Diet Cookies - Daily health Web!