Both cold and flu germs spread quickly and easily, it is spread from person to person contact through coughing and sneezing, and these germs get into us through our eyes, their face, mouth and nose. we also do it to ourself by not washing our hands enough. We pick up germs touch ourselves and others and pass them along.
Cold symptoms are stuffy nose, sore throat, sneezing, and lasts up to 7 days.
Flu symptoms are body aches, chest pain, fever, sore throat and can last up to 14 days.
A cold is a milder illness that mainly affects the upper airways such as bronchitis, sinusitis, blockage of the sinus's, or earaches.
The flu is more serious illness, one of the complications that's very serious with is Pneumonia, and that can actually lead to deaths.
Remedies for a cold take honey cough drops, non medicated cough drops, and gargle with a little salt and water. For the flu use antiviral medications, when used within the first two days of the symptoms they seem to be effective. For both you can use antihistamines, and decongestants. Dr. oz says pharmacies our giving out free flu shot vaccines, so there is no reason not to get one. Dr. Oz stressed a few times -- Wash your hands for 20 seconds, the length of time it takes to sing happy birthday twice.
Dr. Oz had this stuff in a jar called Asafoetida -- Devil's Dung and got the studio audience to have a sniff, apparently it didn't smell all that wonderful. It was apparently used in the 1918 Spanish influenza that killed 50 million humans across the planet. Dr. oz says it works because it has an antiviral effect, there are actual chemical companies looking at this product as a potential solution.
The 4 Vaccines Women Should Know About And Dr. Oz Gets The H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine
The Girl Who Sweats Too Much
Jill always suffered with excessive sweating(hyperhydrosis), her underarms, her hands and her feet, it's all she has ever known. In school they would tease her about it, when it came to dating she would be self conscious about it. She tried everything from deodorants, antiperspirants, she would even carry around tissues to stop the sweating. She would have to choose clothes to wear that you wouldn't notice the sweat coming through. At her sisters wedding she had sweat marks all the way down the dress, and felt terrible thinking she had ruined her sisters wedding photo's.
Dr. Doris Day accompanied Dr. Oz to help Jill's problem with excessive sweating. Dr Doris Day author of forget the facelift, she goes on to say you can use over the counters products, and prescription strength antiperspirants, but they can be very irritating under the arms. Robinul is also used but has systemic effects that can affect your other organs as well.
Dr. Doris Day identified the general area where the excessive sweating is under her arms, marked the spots where she was going to apply the treatment, and to everyone's amazement she gave her tiny injections of FDA Approved botox for sweating. She told Jill that there will be days she will forget to even put anything under her arms. The botox turns off the sweat glands, and it should last up to approximately 9 months,and takes a couple of days to kick in.
The cost of this botox procedure for excessive sweating is covered by insurance, usually all a person would pay is the copayment.
The First Sign Of Heart trouble is Sudden Death -- 2 life saving tips That You Can Do At Home To reduce Your Risk
Dr. oz said that for a lot of people the first sign of heart trouble is sudden death. Dr. oz shows you two life saving tips to save you from being one of them. watch the video showing a healthy heart and one that is damaged, enlarged and scarred. There are two ways to find out if your heart is healthy for you do each morning before you even get out of bed.
4 Antiaging Foods From the Blue Zone
The heart-healthy Mediterranean diet is the choice diet for Dr. oz again today, and the four foods Dan Buettner showed us today from his book The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest
1. fennel
2. Octopus
3. Dandelion & Mustard Greens
4. Beans
Read More On Anti-aging Blue Zones
What Are Dr. Oz's 15 Tips For Flu Prevention
Dr. Oz suggested these tips to help to protect you from the H1N1 virus.
1. Get Vaccinated
In clinical trials, most adults who got a single dose were protected within 8 to 10 days. The National Institutes of Health and manufacturers under contract with Health and Human Services are working to get an H1N1 vaccine ready for widespread use in time to protect against the mid-winter peak.
2. Wash your hands
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that hand washing is the number one way you can prevent the spread of disease. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water. Use An alcohol-based hand sanitizer if a sink isn't nearby.
3.Sneeze or cough in the crook of your elbow
When you cover your mouth with your hands, the virus lands in your palm, and is easily transferred to everything you touch.
4.Keep your hands off your face
Germs enter the bloodstream through various mucous membranes. If your nose is dry, try coating it with an emollient such as petroleum jelly or beeswax. Regular use of a Neti Pot
5. Take Vitamin D
Vitamin D is produced in the body during exposure to sunlight. During the winter we tend to get less exposure so vitamin D supplements are recommended. People who take vitamin D supplements have better luck avoiding the seasonal flu; there is no reason to think that it won't do the same for H1N1 virus. Flu outbreaks tend to occur in places where solar radiation is low.
6. Stay hydrated
You are hydrated if your urine is a clear pale yellow. Dark yellow is a sign that your urine is concentrated and you need to drink more.
7. Get out in open space
Cold weather usually brings us indoors, close proximity sometimes in a crowd of people may be unknowingly infected and hello germs. Spend some time outdoors and get some fresh air.
8. Keep fit
Aerobic activity improves the exchange of oxygen to keep the immune system strong and lungs clear.
9. Eat your greens … and blues and oranges …
Dark and colorful fruits and vegetables are loaded with immune boosting phytochemicals.
10. Eat probiotics
Probiotics products such as yogurt and soy products like Miso
11. Don't smoke
If you smoke these hairs in your nose become damaged, which compromises breathing and produces more virus-trapping mucous.
12. Limit alcohol consumption
Excessive drinking depresses the immune system and compromises liver function. Heavy drinkers are more prone to infections and dehydration.
13. Stay home if you are sick
By symptoms alone you probably won't know if you have the H1N1 flu or seasonal flu. You may not experience any symptoms for a few days. The symptoms of 2009 H1N1 flu virus include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some also experience diarrhea and vomiting.
14. Avoid close contact with infected people
If you are a healthcare worker or caring for a loved one with the flu, it is a good idea to stay at least 6 feet away if possible. Currently, facemasks or N95 Respirators
15. Stay informed
It seems as if public health officials have an update everyday. Sign up for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention e-mail alerts to receive the most current information about the H1N1 virus.
Dr. Oz's Orders from today's show
1. Prevent sickness by getting a flu shot
2. Before getting out of bed, check your heart rate.
3. Add Lima beans to your diet to get more potassium
Do You Know The Difference Between A Cold And A Flu On Dr. Oz - Daily Health Web!