Intuition; Dr. Oz Check Ups; Bob Harper; Attack of the Plaque
The science behind instincts and intuition. Dr. Oz Check Ups: Dramatic updates include Chicago Firefighters, Bob Harper's Kansas City Challenge contestant Amanda, and a post surgery update with Houston Free Clinic attendee Steve Cantrell. Attack of the Plaque. Blind Taste Test with Dave Lieberman.
Could you gut feeling save your life, Dr Oz uncovers the Science Of Intuition. Char Margolis and Judith Orloff joined Dr Oz on the set today. Topic of discussion gut feelings, mothers intuition, and 6th sense. That eerie feeling in the pit of your stomach that tells you something is about to change.
Char Margolis is an internationally acclaimed psychic intuitive who has been using her gifts to help people for more than thirty years. She divides her time between Michigan, Los Angeles, and Holland. She shared with us the 4 C's in how to train yourself and harness the power of Intuition
1. Courage
2. Confidence
3. Commitment
4. Conquer It
Using her own incredible experiences, she outlines how to use your own inner voice as you learn to develop your intuitive powers in four simple steps. By combining intuition with logic and common sense, you will be able to make better decisions and attract the people and opportunities you most deeply desire into your life. Learn how to:
1. Tune in to your health and use your energy to heal
2. Raise healthy, happy children by nurturing their intuition as well as your own
3. Listen to your instincts in evaluating people and opportunities
4. Attract compatible partners
5. Access your sexual energy
6. Sense the right career opportunities
7. Recognize the messages you are receiving from your deceased loved ones
8. Char Margolis 's books also provides helpful instruction on how to prevent potential problems, protect yourself from bad energy, cope with setbacks, and get attuned to the universal plan.
Dr. Judith Orloff, MD is an assistant clinical professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and author of the New York Times and international bestseller Emotional Freedom
Dr. Orloff blends her traditional medical skills with intuition to enhance patient care. A new edition of her book "Second Sight"
Dr Oz had people in the studio audience who shared stories of how they just knew something was wrong. One woman woke at 3 in the morning and just knew there was something wrong with her baby mark, she has other children but she knew exactly which child was in trouble.
Another Lady she had cancer but just didn't know where, she had a vague feeling there was something wrong with her for years. She went to the Doctor, had a Mammogram done and found out she had cancer, and had it for at least 5 to seven years.
A police officer broke into a house after Hurricane Katrina to rescue a man that had been on the brink of death. This same house had been checked 3 or 4 times for survivors before being sealed up.
7 weeks ago the Chicago firemen weight-loss challenge begans - Dr. Oz aids a team of 3 Chicago firefighters. Today Dr Oz did a check up an Iggy, Doug and Mauricio(Juicey), they are doing great and Oz will have them all back to see the results for their 60 Diet Challenge.
Amanda's 60 Day Challenge
His next checkup was with Amanda from a previous show, Amanda lost 60 pounds, feels great and looks great.
Free-Clinic Miracle Steve Cantrell
Steven Cantrell returns after the removal of a life-threatening tumor.Dr Oz first met Steve Cantrell at the Houston's Free Health Clinic Dr. Oz Healing The Forgotten. Today Steve Cantrell is back. Steven Cantrell had a deadly skin cancer growing on his face, a lip tumour. Left untreated for 3 years, what started as a small blister eventually developed into Stage 4 cancer. Thanks to a team of surgeons, Steven now has his life back, cancer free. Due to the spread of cancer Steve lost his lower lip and would need skin grafts to replace it, now he is ready for dental implants and best of all Steve quit smoking!. Watch the video with Steve On Dr. Oz.
Attack of the Plaque
Could plaque on your teeth cause problems for your heart?Sonya joins Dr Oz in this segment on Attack Of Plaque. He had her put her hand a a large container of white substance that she said felt like snot, quite an amusing Lady she was. Dr. Oz explores the perils of poor dental hygiene – including heart disease. Dr Jonathan Levine says there 9 billion bacteria in the mouth, and form and colonize bad bacteria around the teeth. Keeping a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria is dependent upon a daily routine of brushing – and – flossing. Says plaque forms twenty minutes after we eat.
When don't remove the calcified plaque properly, and the tissue gets up around the calcified plague, the tissue gets very inflamed. Then you go from a situation of periodontal disease with associated gum inflammation and bone loss to more of a cardiovascular problem because this bacteria load nows gets into the circulatory system. Dr oz said that is why when they find someone with a heart attack or a stroke, they check their teeth.
Prevention For Plaque
Along with brushing and flossing to control plaque, eat an apple. An apple will take of the plaque and the stain of our teeth. In addition to that add in lots of fruits and leafy vegetables such as spinach, cauliflower, it does a great job of getting rid of acidic in our mouth and raising the ph so the bad bacteria can't grow. Excessive dental plaque can lead to serious problems.
Watch the animated video on the various stages of periodontal disease and how plaque can contribute to heart disease.
Dr Oz and Dave Liebermen get together today with this healthy recipe with a secret ingredient. Linguine and Quinoa Meatballs With Tangy Tomato Sauce has become a hit with Dr Oz and he says it is going to be a part of the OZ household.
Dr Oz says Add this food to your diet now - Quinoa!