Dr Oz Hoarding 3-step plan to de-clutter your home with David Dia and Ellen Martin TLC Hoarders Buried Alive. Obsessed with possessions. Dr. Oz looks into the secret lives of hoarding.
You Have Hair Where? Millions of women struggle with unwanted hair. Dr. Oz investigates unwanted hair in women.

Some people are unable to resist the urge to acquire or discard possessions even if the objects are completely useless or could unnecessarily risk someone’s health and happiness.
When hoarding escalates to the point where it has serious personal, relational and health consequences, it becomes disabling and dangerous. People who live in a hoarded household are at risk for injury due to cluttered pathways, disease from overgrowth of bacteria and mold, breathing problems from massive amounts of dust, not to mention contact with insects and vermin.
Dr oz, David Dia and Ellen Martin from TLC Hoarders Buried Alive help Joanne today with her Hoarding. Here I will try to add as much information as I possible can that was discussed on the show. Plus you can watch the DR OZ VIDEO ON HOARDERS.
In this web-exclusive video, Dr. Oz talks to a hoarder Ray who successfully overcame his compulsions and now lives a clutter-free life for 4 months now. Ray explains to Joanne to tackle it one step at a time. Also Ellen Martin, organizing consultant for TLC’s “Hoarding: Buried Alive” series, has an easy 3-step plan to help you eliminate clutter from your home or office.
Joanne's Life As A Hoarder
Hoarding behaviour usually begins or worsens after a traumatic event such as a death, divorce, fire or other stressful incident. But hints of hoarding can appear in childhood and extend into adulthood. And the behavior runs in families, suggesting an inheritable genetic component. Hoarders often live a lonely life, socially isolated from friends and family.
It can start slowly with what seems like harmless piles, but eventually these piles extend beyond their usual place, taking over living areas. The bed is no long conducive for sleeping, the kitchen is no longer a place to cook, and the whole living situation spirals out of control. Commonly hoarded items can include clothes, mechanical parts, newspapers, magazines, medications, toiletries, CDs, DVDs, videos and more rarely – animals, waste matter, hair, dirty diapers and decaying food.
It is not totally clear if a hoarding compulsion is a symptom of an existing diagnosis or a syndrome onto itself. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the guidebook mental health professionals use to see if patients fit certain criteria for psychiatric diagnoses, doesn't have a separate entry for hoarding. Instead, compulsive hoarding is considered a major or minor symptom of a number of mental conditions.
Mental health conditions frequently associated with hoarding include:
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) – hoarding is closely associated with OCD, a condition that includes obsessions – recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, or images, and compulsions – repetitive behaviors such as hand washing or mental acts such as counting. Hoarding and saving compulsions are relatively common in people with OCD. Nearly 5% have a form that is so disabling they can hardly perform ordinary activities of daily life.
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) – an overlapping, but distinctly different diagnosis from OCD, where people have a rigid preoccupation with perfectionism, details and control.
Depressive, anxiety and impulse control disorders
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Alcoholism and drug abuse
Diogenes syndrome – a condition in the elderly marked by self-neglect
Since hoarding behavior is sometimes a symptom of another mental health condition, treatment usually involves measures that work for that specific condition. Treatment regimes for OCD, depression or other mental health condition for example might keep compulsions in check if the behavior is a symptom of that condition. But not all hoarders can be categorized that way and successful treatment of hoarding is notoriously difficult.
Some people will gain better control however, when they combine anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medications with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a method that slowly and systematically retrains the brain to react more appropriately to stressful situations. Over time the sufferer eventually learns that no harm will come to them if they throw something away.
Ellen Martin's Clutter Checklist
Step 1: Mold Prevention
Mold grows in the damp, cluttered areas of your home. It is overlooked as a cause of allergies and breathing problems because most people are unaware that mold is multiplying right under their own roof. One of the most common places that mold grows is under the kitchen sink, an often ignored storage space in many homes where a few drops of water can be the start of a very big problem. Don’t let mold creep up on you.
De-clutter this space so you can get to the source of the problem.
Organize the space so that you can see all of the surfaces. Use bins to facilitate cleaning under the sink. Instead of fumbling with the 10 or 20 cleaning products or kitchen appliances under your sink, sort them into a few bins that are easier to move and stack. Clear plastic bins, for example, are great for helping you keep an eye on mold.
Step 2: Bacteria Prevention
By allowing clutter to build up, you are basically inviting bacteria into your home. Bacteria grows quickly, and if it gets into your food, it can be very dangerous. Show unwelcome bacteria who’s boss by taking out the trash more frequently.
Use a smaller trash bin. The garbage can will fill up more quickly, forcing you to take out the garbage more often.
Step 3: Dust Removal
Dust is a universal problem; everyone has it in their home. Dust is made up of skin cells, pet dander and insects. Dust can cause a scratchy throat, burning eyes and breathing problems, but taking care of dust is a chore that’s often neglected. De-cluttering is the first step to keeping dust in check. The desk in your work or home office is a dust hotspot.
Get rid of paper. Sort through your papers and see what you should keep and what you should toss.
Organize the papers you do keep into folders. Shred the rest, especially if these papers contain confidential information.
Move the trash swiftly out of your space.
De-clutter your desk on a daily basis to prevent pileups.
Unwanted Hair
Dr. Oz explains the difference between unwanted and abnormal hair growth, what it means, and what you can do about it. The 5 most places where women complain about unwanted hair, which is hair on the chin, hair on the upper lip, hair on the breasts(nipples), hair on the stomach, and hair on the back.There are other areas of the body that women complain about unwanted hair as you will see on the chart, based on the Ferriman Gallwey Evaluation of Hirsutism, to determine whether your hair growth is more than medically desired.
Find yourself on the scale. Dr Oz explains what causes of unwanted hair in women in this video on how the ovaries shrink and stop making estrogen, and there is no longer a balance between estrogen and testosterone which leads to male pattern balding, and we women start growing hair where we don't want to as we get older.
DR Oz talked about shaving, using depilatories, waxing and tweezing unwanted hair. Also using oral contraceptives which are safe anti androgens that block testosterone, but are not good to have in your system if you get pregnant. Spearmint tea is a great alternative as well, but it will lower your libido.

a representation of hair growth in a male pattern on a woman shown in four different degrees of severity in 11 different body parts; namely the upper lip, chin, chest, upper back, lower back, upper abdomen, lower abdomen, arm, forearm, thigh, and lower leg.Millions of women struggle with unwanted hair. Most unwanted hair is caused by genetics or ethnicity. However, excessive hair can be the sign of a hormone problem or other conditions. Use this chart, based on the Ferriman Gallwey Evaluation of Hirsutism, to determine whether your hair growth is more than medically desired. Find yourself on the scale. Rank yourself for each area; scoring starts at 0 (“no excessive terminal hair growth”) and goes up to 4 (“extensive terminal hair growth”). The maximum score is a 36. If you score a 6 or more, you may want to consider visiting a specialist.
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