Reverse your heart disease - How To Heal your Heart In 30 Days; Dean Ornish The Spectrum; First Aid: Blisters; Fight Fatigue;
Dr. Oz tells you how you can undo years of damage in 28 days. The Spectrum
What foods rev you up? Which ones run you down? Dr. Oz has the answers.
Dr. Dean Ornish is the author of 6 best-selling books,
Dr Oz Reverse Heart Disease Without Surgery
Undo the damage. Unclog your arteries. Heal your heart in 28 days.Dr Oz's Hero, Dean Ornish: A little over 20 years ago, Dr. Dean Ornish, Founder and President of the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Research Institute and Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, made the revolutionary discovery that you could actually reverse your heart disease by adopting a heart-healthy 4-step regimen of diet, exercise, stress control, and love and support.
If you have heart disease and are not in need of emergency surgery, such as bypass, angioplasty or stent placement, you can reverse your heart disease by eliminating the behaviors that have contributed to your condition, and picking up healthy new habits. This means making big – and sustainable -- changes to your diet, exercise routine and approach to stress management. Dr. Ornish’s book, "The Spectrum, A Scientifically Proven Program to Feel Better, Live Longer, Lose Weight, and Gain Health," with recipes by chef Art Smith, Oprah Winfrey’s one-time personal chef. If followed correctly, you may reduce the plaque clinging to your artery walls and begin undoing decades of damage. For those who don't have heart disease, there is a wide spectrum of preventive choices you can make to live healthily.
Jeanette, Dane and Judy joined Dr Oz And Dr Ornish today, all three had heart blockages, and Dr Oz explained its either follow the 3 step plan to reverse heart disease or it's under the knife.
In 1990 Dr. Dean Ornish figured out the solution to reversing disease through diet, exercise and stress control. Dr Oz says this plan can reverse the plaque in your arteries, it took decades to build up this plague, now learn how to reverse it.
DR OZ 3 Step Heart Reversal Plan
1. Get the Plaque Out of Your Arteries
Trim the fat and overhaul your diet. Under the Reversal Diet, only 10% of your diet comes from fat; 15-20% comes from protein; and 70-75% comes from complex carbohydrates. Your body can start to heal once you stop doing what’s causing the problem in the first place; if you stop consuming the food that contributed to the blockages in your arteries, your body will have a better chance of rebooting and recovering. Incorporate heart-healthy foods into your diet that contain protective and preventive nutrients. A plant-based diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and soy products in their natural, unrefined forms not only helps to reverse heart disease, but also possesses anti-cancer and anti-aging properties.
2. Reduce Inflammation of the Artery Walls
Exercise your arteries. Exercise helps to strip away the irritating materials that contribute to artery ruptures. Start with 30 minutes throughout your day. You don’t necessarily have to do all 30 minutes at once with a trip to the gym, though working up a sweat is encouraged. You can exercise by making simple modifications to your daily routine. Walk more. Take the stairs. Park your car further away from the entrance. Play with your kids or grandkids.
3. Stop the Heart from Spasming and Make the Arteries More Elastic
Change your arteries to change your heart. Take up to one hour a day to meditate or to engage in meditative exercises, like yoga. Calming yourself and taking control of your stress will actually serve to relax the arteries and reduce the buildup of blockages in them.
4. Open Your Heart
Involve your family and friends; their support will reinforce your efforts. Love and support are powerful factors in healing heart disease. For his book "Love & Survival," Dr. Ornish surveyed hundreds of studies showing that people who feel loved and supported are many times less likely to get sick and die prematurely than those who are lonely and depressed. Open your eyes to a new approach to wellness and open up your arteries.
When you make these lifestyle changes, you’re likely to feel so much better so quickly, it reframes the reason for making these changes, as explained in Dr. Ornish's "The Spectrum," from the "fear of dying" to the "joy of living." Remember that it’s less about sacrifice as it is more about achieving a rewarding and sustainable new healthy lifestyle for the long haul.
What's Dean Ornish Book The Spectrum All About...Dean Ornish Reverse Heart Disease - WHAT YOU INCLUDE IN YOUR DIET IS AS IMPORTANT AS WHAT YOU EXCLUDE -
There are at least 100,000 substances in these foods that have powerful anti‑cancer, anti-heart-disease and anti-aging properties. These include...
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Life-Saving One-Month Food Plan
Pam a surgical nurse shares her one month meal plan with everyone today. Pam used to be tired all the time, couldn't sleep at night, chest pains, and couldn't walk ten steps without being tired has lost 80 lbs., and runs 3 miles a day one year later after changing her eating lifestyle.
Oatmeal with dried cranberries
4oz. of natural vegetable or fruit juice
Eating oatmeal is a great non-fat way to get your complex carbohydrates.
Morning Snack
Non-fat granola bar
One cup of tea; green tea, without milk or sugar, is ideal
Stir-fried veggies with low-sodium teriyaki sauce and brown rice
Green salad with edamame, chickpeas, beans and fat-free raspberry dressing, and one whole wheat roll
A lunch like this provides plenty of protein, from non-animal sources.
Tacos: black beans, brown rice, fat-free sour cream, fat-free cheese and salsa; corn tortillas
These tacos are low in fat and high in protein.
Night Snack
Hummus with assorted dipping vegetables
Dr Oz Fatigue Fighting Foods
Foods that make you sleepy and foods that give you energy Foods that are hurtful or helpful for fighting fatigue;
1. Pineapple is helpful for drowsiness
2. Potatoes are harmful not helpful for drowsiness
3. Hummus is is harmful, it stimulates the sleepy hormones
Dr Oz asked everyone do they think giving up meat is tuff, because this plan is a excludes meat. The reason he asked this question, if you think you can't give up meat, was so he could tell us about Mel.
Mel is a deli owner, and has been a plant based diet for 25 years, was on the heart transplant list 25 years ago, Mel was on the original study done on plant based diets to reverse heart disease 25 years ago, when he couldn't do anything.
Mel says the rewards from changing his diet is that he can cross the street and make it across before the light changes now. He doesn't take an hour to take a shower anymore because of the pain. Dr Dean Ornish says Mel looks better today than he did 26-27 years ago. He literally couldn't walk, he couldn't have sex, couldn't get a shower, couldn't go to the mailbox. Mel hasn't had pain in decades now, it just goes to show how powerful these changes can be says Dr Ornish.
DR Ornish finished off today by saying "This is for reversing disease, for preventing disease the more you change the better you get. "