
Today's Show Sherrie Harris Total Loss Of 156 Pounds

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Joy's Life Diet
I was watching the Today show and witnessed an awesome story with Sherrie Harris. She lives in Virginia Beach and she lost a whopping 156 pounds.

Sherrie Harris Loses 156 Pounds

Sherrie story begins with her telling us she is 38 years old, and a Health Insurance Educator in Virginia Beach. Sherrie has struggled with her weight since the age of ten. She claimed she tried every diet out there and would always lose weight, only to gain it back plus more.

Sherrie told us she had two things happen in one week that became her moments of truth. The first was when she saw some professional family photos they had taken. She said she couldn't believe it was herself in those pictures. The Sherrie had her annual physical done, and says she mortified when she seen the words "Morbidly Obese" written on her chart.

Sherrie's heaviest weight was 293 pounds, and she asked the doctor if she could get a referral for gastric bypass surgery, and her doctor told her that she would have to diet for 6 months and then they would discuss surgery.

Sherrie tried weight watchers again and lost 68 LBS., but then she was confronted by her daughter Courtney who asked her to please help her lose the weight. Sherrie said this is where everything changed, it was no longer just about herself, it was about setting a good example for her family.

Sherrie lost a total of 156 pounds, and now weighs 137 LBS., and daughter Courtney lost 65 LBS. Sherrie stated had it not been for her daughter asking her to help her, she is not sure she would be where she is today. Courtney learned low fat cooking, and took over the planning and cooking of meals.

Sherrie joined Today's Show Nutritionist Joy Bauer on stage this morning and when she walked out I was in awe, she looked absolutely amazing. Joy told us that Sherrie was one of the fortunate few that does not require excess skin removal, everything.

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Joy Bauer is the official diet expert on the Today show. Let Joy help you lose up to 5 lbs in a week. Learn how for free!

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Joy has been helping people lose weight for more than 15 years! Now she’s online to help you. Start Joy’s Life Diet for free! As seen on the Today show!

All you need to do is fill out this fast, free weight-loss profile and learn how Joy's online plan can teach you how to lose up to 5 pounds this week! Joy's LIFE Diet, will help you find your inner, skinny self!

Today show diet expert has launched a new online diet! Joy’s Life Diet — start with a free diet profile. Joy has become familiar to millions as the nutrition expert on the Today Show, where she is the leader of the Joy Fit Club, which celebrates folks who have lost 100 pounds or more. Find out more about this well-known nutritionist.

Here is what Joy Has to Say

1. Release: transform your life in just 7 days
2. Relearn: reprogram your appetite and discover the joys of healthy eating
3. Reshape: build a new attitude toward food and fitness... that lasts!
4. Reveal: celebrate your weight-loss success
I know the power of my diet, from the overwhelming amount of positive feedback from my personal clients. Over the years, the men and women who followed my no-fuss principles have collectively dropped more than 250,000 pounds. It's been very rewarding to help so many people lose weight — now I'm eager to help you!
That's why I created an online plan to make losing weight easier than ever! As a member, you'll receive general guidance, specific menus for each day of the week, advice on portion control, and balanced nutrients in the right amounts. You'll also benefit from 15 customized online tools to help you reach your goals — including a daily Meal Planner, a customized fitness plan and my support and advice. What are you waiting for? Let's get started!

Today show diet expert has launched a new online diet! Joy’s Life Diet – start with a free diet profile.