5 SILENT KILLERS IN WOMEN - Dr. Oz unmasks the five silent killers in women.
5 Deadly Diseases - Dr. Oz exposes 5 deadly diseases with hard to detect symptoms. Dr. Oz is blowing the whistle on the 4 silent killers of women.
Nurse Weight Loss - Three nurses kick off a weight-loss challenge.
The 6-Meal Plan
Dr. Oz’s 6-meal plan helps automate healthy meals for those working long hours.
Dangerous Lifesavers - Dangerous lifesavers include maggots, leeches, and iguanas.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Dr Oz Three Silent Symptoms For Women Over Forty Can't Ignore...Click Here!
Dr. Donnica Moore, author of Women's Health For Life
1. Cancer of the Uterus - (Uterine Cancer or Endometrial Cancer)
Uterine cancer develops in the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium. Dr. Oz explained that it goes through 4 stages. The most common symptom is abnormal vaginal bleeding, including unusually heavy periods, spotting between periods or any post-menopausal bleeding. Uterine cancer usually occurs after menopause. But it may also occur around the time that menopause begins. Abnormal vaginal bleeding is the most common symptom of uterine cancer. Bleeding may start as a watery, blood-streaked flow that gradually contains more blood. Women should not assume that abnormal vaginal bleeding is part of menopause.Symptoms Of Uterine Cancer
Abnormal vaginal bleeding
Abnormal vaginal discharge or odor
Weight gain or loss
New acne
Deepened voice
Increased hair growth
Severe pain
Difficult or painful urination
Pain during intercourse
Pain in the pelvic area
Uterine Cancer or Endometrial Cancer Symptoms - Read More!
2. Hepatitis
Types of viral hepatitis: Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C. Hepatitis is the culprit behind liver cancer, an inflammation that affects 100 million people globally. Hepatitis is caused by certain viruses, as well as too much alcohol or drugs, including over-the-counter acetaminophen. Hepatitis A refers to liver inflammation caused by infection with the hepatitis A virus (HAV). HAV is one of several viruses that can cause hepatitis and is one of the 3 most common hepatitis viruses in the United States.
Hepatitis B is caused by infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). This infection has 2 phases: acute and chronic.
Acute (new, short-term) hepatitis B occurs shortly after exposure to the virus. A small number of people develop a very severe, life-threatening form of acute hepatitis called fulminant hepatitis.
Chronic (ongoing, long-term) hepatitis B is an infection with HBV that lasts longer than 6 months. Once the infection becomes chronic, it may never go away completely.
About 90-95% of people who are infected are able to fight off the virus so their infection never becomes chronic. Only about 5-10 percent of adults infected with HBV go on to develop chronic infection. Read More on Hepatitis A, B, & C...
Hepatitis A is generally transmitted through contaminated foods or water.
Hepatitis B can be passed on sexually, or through infected blood via transfusions, needles or mother/child transmission.
Hepatitis C is also obtained via sexual contact, blood transfusions, needles, or during childbirth. No vaccine exists.
Hepatitis Symptoms
Symptoms of hepatitis
Muscle aches
Jaundice/yellow skin
Pale stools
Dark urine
Low-grade fever
3. Ovarian Cancer
The warning signs of ovarian cancer mock common conditions including irritable bowel syndrome, stress and depression.
Symptoms of ovarian cancer
Abdominal pressure, fullness, swelling or bloating
Urinary urgency
Pelvic discomfort or pain
Additional signs and symptoms that women with ovarian cancer may experience include:
Persistent indigestion, gas or nausea
Unexplained changes in bowel habits, such as constipation
Changes in bladder habits, including a frequent need to urinate
Loss of appetite or quickly feeling full
Increased abdominal girth or clothes fitting tighter around your waist
Pain during intercourse (dyspareunia)
A persistent lack of energy
Low back pain
Changes in menstruation. Read More On Ovarian Cancer...
4. Heart Attack
Not all heart attacks begin with a sudden, crushing pain that is often shown on TV or in the movies. The warning signs and symptoms of a heart attack aren’t the same for everyone. Many heart attacks start slowly as mild pain or discomfort. Some people don’t have symptoms at all (this is called a silent heart attack). Dr. Oz showed a video clip of a previous show with Lisa who felt a heat sensation across her chest, and that was her eye opener and sent her off the emergency room. After operating on her they told her if she never went to the ermerg, she would have died.
Chest Pain or Discomfort
The most common symptom of heart attack is chest pain or discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back. The discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain. It can be mild or severe. Heart attack pain can sometimes feel like indigestion or heartburn.
Symptoms of a heart attack that women should never ignore
Pressure, tightness and squeezing pain across the chest
Pain radiating down the arm, shoulders, jaw, neck, and back, particularly on the left side
Shortness of breath
Dizziness, sweating, weakness, overwhelming fatigue
Feeling of impending doom
Headache, blurry vision, lightheadedness, feeling faint
Gastrointestinal symptoms such as indigestion, nausea and vomiting
Coughing and palpitations
Other common signs and symptoms that a person can have during a heart attack include:
Upper body discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach
Shortness of breath may often occur with or before chest discomfort
Nausea (feeling sick to your stomach), vomiting, lightheadedness or fainting, or breaking out in a cold sweat.
Heart Attack Warning Signs, Stroke Warning Signs, Cardiac Arrest Warning Signs...Read More!
5. HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
If genital warts show up, it's an indication of HPV infection. Genital warts take on many different appearances. They can be raised, flat, pink, or flesh-colored, may be shaped like cauliflower. Sometimes there is a single wart, other times multiple warts appear. They can be small or large. They can be on the anus, cervix, scrotum, groin, thigh, or penis.Genital warts can show up weeks or even months after sexual contact with a person infected with HPV virus. That person may not know he or she is infected and is responsible for HPV transmission.
Symptoms Of HPV
Genital lesions or warts
Oral or respiratory lesions
Common, Plantar or flat warts
HPV Symptoms And Tests - Read More!
Dr. Oz's Labour And Delivery Nurses Weight Loss Challenge
Paula, Holly and Tina jumped on board today to start Dr. Oz's weight loss challenge. Paula weighed in at 214 pounds, B/P - 165/110. Holly weighed in 260 lbs., BMI 40. Tina weighed in 260 pounds, waist size 50.5, HDL Cholesterol was 39.
Dr Oz's Nurse 6 Pack Program
The Dr. Oz 6 pack program for the nurses of Maryland consisted of 6 brown lunch bags, with foods to choose from to have 6 mini meals a day as apposed to 3 meals a day, eating from the vending machines, or food gifts from patients. They are to prepare these 6 mini meals before their shift and head out the door.
Dr. Oz says eating 6 smaller meals throughout the day will provide constant energy and prohibit making bad eating choices when you’re starved and there are few options. Each day, take 6 mini-meals that you will eat in the same order so there is no room for error.
Here is the mini meal program Dr. Oz recommends;
Meal 1: Protein
You can choose from a variety of food choices, but your first meal must be a protein. Healthy options include:
Greek yogurt
Lean meats
Meal 2: Healthy Fats
Again, there is flexibility in the kind of healthy fat you can have, but keep the food in the same category. Options include:
Canned salmon (which contains Omega-3s)
Meal 3: Whole Grains
Whole-wheat bagel with low-fat cream cheese
Brown rice
Whole-wheat bread, pasta or crackers
Wild rice
Meal 4: Fiber
Grains and whole-grain products
Beans, peas and other legumes
Nuts and seeds
Meal 5: Metabolism Booster
Greens Salad with hot green peppers
Meal 6: Healthy Sweets
Dark Chocolate
And we musn't forget In addition to your 6 mini-meals, Dr. oz says each day you must take a vitamin D supplement and a multi-vitamin.
Bonnie Archer, Charge Nurse, friend and co-worker with Dr. Oz becomes The Nurses Of Maryland's personal cheerleader, to help support and be the weight loss coach for Paula, Tina and Holly through their challenge.
Dr. Oz presented the 3 with a free 3 month membership with a personal trainer, at the Gold's Gym in their area.
Dr. Oz's Creepy Crawly Creatures That Could Help Save Your Life.
Maggots Used to treat wounds. They can eat away the dead skin and free the healthy tissue to heal and regenerate.Leaches These bloodsuckers are amazing healers. They have an anticoagulant in their saliva that thins the blood making them very helpful to plastic surgeons performing skin graphs.
Gila Monster This is 1 of only 2 types of venomous lizards in the world. The hormones that allow these to store fat and get rid of fat desirably could be a used as a weight-loss tool.
Horseshoe Crabs These creatures are over 300 million years old. Lacking an immune system, they clot their blood very quickly before viruses or infections can spread.