Women who kill; Vitiligo; Learn to Save a Life; Stress Solutions; The Art of Cooking with Chef Art Smith
Why Women Kill Are they hard-wired to harm, what makes them snap? Dr. Oz takes you into the minds of Mom's who murder.One-time Oprah chef Art Smith shares healthy recipes for weight loss.
Prevent meltdowns. Control stress. Get healthier and happier now.
The 1-hour period after trauma is critical. Do you know what to do? The 3 Steps Between LIfe And Death!
Dr Oz Why Do Women Kill
Most people don't murder when provoked or upset. That's because there is an area in the brain that intercepts these ferocious thoughts before they can be acted upon. Dr Oz says there is nothing more shocking than to hear of mother who kills her own child. Andrea Yates and Susan Smith are perhaps the two most famous women in the U.S. to commit such a thing, but they are not alone.
Women just aren't killing their children they are killing their spouses, siblings and even strangers. Women are far less likely to kill then men, women account for 10% all murders in the U.S.
Women use less violent ways to kill then men such as asphyxiation, or poisoning, some women shoot at point blank range, like Betty Broderick who shot her and killed her ex husband and his new wife while they slept. Recently Dr Amy Bishop who was charged with going on a shooting rampage in the University Of Alabama.
What causes women to murder when they are nurturers by nature. Dr Oz says the answer may lay in the brain. Because women kill differently than men and for different reasons, doctors are starting to investigate the pre frontal cortex and the the amygdala, the area of the brain that controls aggression, and what drives a woman to take a life.
Dr Dale Archer and Pat Brown Criminal Profiler of women who commits murders joined Dr Oz. Men murder for money, power, revenge and control. When women murder it is usually related to love gone bad and fear. The majority of women who kill are in a relationship with the individual or have been in a relationship with them.
Dr Oz Different Characteristics Of A Female Killer
1. In the mind of the female killer they know the person that they are hurting
2. They had emotional connections gone bad
3. They will not kill for ego
4. They will not kill because of an insult
Pat Brown says there are two different kinds of female killers. The psychopathic Serial Killers that use victims they can control easily in their own lives. They'll kill their children, they'll kill patients in their care. The second type of Women who kill are those who lose power and control in her life and in abusive relationships. She is losing all ground and doesn't know how she is going to survive.
This is where we met Rose a mom of 3 kids who served 15 years for killing her partner. He was extremely abusive, bashed her head in, kicked her when she was pregnant, held her hostage and had people stalk her.
Rose left him and got a place of her own and he follows her, and holds her hostage for 4 days and puts a gun to her head telling her he is going to shoot her. Her brother came to rescue her and she ended up when shooting her brother and him to protect her family. Rose said she didn't want to die, she didn't want her family to die, she just wanted to live.
Sally and Kim also joined Dr Oz today, Sally's daughter Jennifer is currently serving life in prison for committing a murder. She fell in love with a guy, the wrong guy, and committed a murder with him, for him. Dr Archer says her daughter involved with this guy at the wrong time in her life. Sally says it's a nightmare that will never end, it will never go away!
Dr Archer says when the situation is hopeless and you have no one to help you or rely on, and no way you can get out alive, they will track you down no matter what there will always be there, thats when your options become so limited.
Dr Oz Profile of Women Who Kill
Women who kill typically has a personal emotional component. The victim is usually a person they have been intimately involved with who may have initiated some type of aggression toward them at some point in their life. There are some extremely rare serial cases involving misplaced mercy or extreme psychopathy. But, women mostly kill a current or former spouse or dating partner, child, friend or relative.
The murders are generally unplanned and typically occur in the home. Women kill out of desperation to protect themselves or their children from a real (or imagined) life-threatening situation or in reaction to physical, sexual or psychological abuse. It is often a crime of opportunity; a chance situation presents itself and is acted upon without much thought.
Women who kill their children (infanticide) may do so during a psychotic event related to severe mental illness or as a consequence of drug or alcohol abuse. They feel like they have no real resources to cope with the responsibility of caring for children and are unable to manage the rigors of managing a household, work and family. Murder is perceived as the only way out.
And, like men, women will kill because they live in communities where there is a culture of violence, gangs or drug addiction.
There is never a good reason for murder. Yet, when a women kills as a way out of an abusive relationship or has an unrecognized or untreated mental illness, it pulls on our heartstrings. Years of domestic abuse can cause depression, post-traumatic stress, sleeplessness and battered-woman syndrome – and getting these women to recognize unhealthy situations is difficult.
Dr Oz Learn the signs of an abusive relationship
1. Physical – Any activity that causes physical harm or pain such as hitting, punching, poking, kicking or pinching
2. Sexual – Any non-consensual activity relating to sex
3. Emotional – Any threatening activity such as stalking, name-calling or withholding something important
How To Recognize An Abuser
When you enter into a relationship, it may not always be apparent who is likely to abuse, but there are some factors that put an intimate partner at risk.
1. Recreational drug use
2. Prescription drug abuse
3. Alcoholism or heavy drinking
4. Exposure to violence or abuse as a child
5. Unemployment
6. Low self-esteem
7. Mental illness
8. History of aggression in relationships
9. Over-the-top jealousy, hypersensitivity and control
If you see something, say something – People with mental-health problems are not always able to advocate for themselves. If you see that someone is in an abusive relationship, is drifting away from reality, unable to care for themselves or their children, refusing to take controlling medications, or is slipping into a depression or psychosis, step in to help.
Dr. Oz's Get Help Resources
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline, 1.800.799.SAFE (7233)
Joe Torre Safe at Home Foundation
American Psychiatric Association
United States Department of Justice State Domestic Violence Coalitions
Dr Oz Vitiligo Skin Disorder

Vitiligo affects all races, but may be more noticeable and disfiguring in people with darker skin. Vitiligo usually starts as small areas of pigment loss that spread with time. There is no cure for vitiligo. vitiligo, depigmentation usually develops first on sun-exposed areas of your skin, such as your hands, feet, arms, face and lips. Although it can start at any age, vitiligo often first appears between the ages of 10 and 30.
As with Tracy Edwards her Vitiligo skin disorder started when she was 34 when she gave birth to her son Timothy. Tracy is now 47 years old. She says every time she looks in the mirror she feels like a monster, ashamed to show her face. people stare at her whenever she goes out, she had to leave her job as a flight attendant of 18 years Life changed dramatically for Tracy.
Dr Roy Geronemus treated Tracy's Vitiligo with a new cutting end procedure called MIcro Skin which second skin to match her own. It doesn't require makeup, you can shower and swim and it won't come off, but it will only last a few days.
Micro Skin of New York donated one year of the Micro Skin product to Tracy for one year.
Now for those who cannot afford this cutting edge technology for Vitiligo or other skin disorders such as Port Wine Stain Birthmarks, hyper pigmentation, Tattoo's Acne, Acne Scarring, Rosacea, Dark Circles Under The Eyes, Dr Oz did a show on Miracle Medical Makeup Makeover. You can watch the video and see the transformation yourself.
What is Microskin?
Microskin is not a makeup or a creme camouflage. Microskin is a simulated second skin which is formulated individually to colour correct the patient's skin condition. It is a light liquidised application which is applied on to the epidermis (top layer of skin). Microskin is not a creme, and doesn't have the makeup appearance like other camouflage products.. Once applied Microskin is durable, flexible, and it won't rub off on clothing or linen. It's waterproof and allows your skin to breathe. Microskin is suitable for all genders and skin types.
Microskin is used on conditions such as vitiligo, birthmarks, burns, scarring, psoriasis, rosacea, lupus, eczema, pigmentation and other related skin conditions.
Stipple is the technique learnt for areas that are smaller than the size of the palm of your hand. Airbrushing is the technique used for larger areas.

Dr Oz And Art Smith's whole-wheat margherita pizza recipe.
Chef Art Smith had his own challenge's Losing weight while working in a restaurant. Today he reveals how he did it. Dr Oz asked him what his secrets were to losing weight when he around such wonderful food all the time. Art says diabetes got him started, his parents had diabetes and he said he wasn't going down that road. He has breakfast like a king, lunch like a princess and ate like a pauper for supper.
He ate steel cut oats with berries for breakfast, and his protein was a frittata(Egg White Frittata - Fresh spinach, mushrooms and onions as desired
6 egg whites).
For lunch Art ate his Whole Wheat Margherita Pizza
Art's dinner is a green salad with salmon
Chef Art Smith took Dr Oz through the process of making an easy pizza this way. No more take out pizza, make a bunch of them and freeze them. Art threw some arugula on top of the pizza when it was done, and Dr Oz went on to say it works out that there are 200 calories per slice of pizza.
Dr Oz 3 Steps Between Life And Death
In this segment of the DR Oz show he explains the first few minutes after and accident or trauma can be very critical, emergency room doctor's often refer to it as the "golden Hour". The first 60 minutes after trauma, also referred to as the Golden Hour by medical professionals, are the most critical. Do you know what to do? Learn the 3 steps that could mean the difference between life and death. This is a must-see lesson for everyone.
Dr Oz uses a video clip from brand new CBS series Miami Medical which focus's on the golden hour of medicine, based on a real life hospital in Miami. Dr Zachary Lutsky explains the concept of the Golden Hour and soon as there is significant trauma there is 60 minutes from that point, and what ever happens medically during that 60 minutes is critical to what is going to happen to that patient.
Dr Lutsky talks about using a pocket CPR mask to protect yourself,
Golden Hour Steps
Step #1. Call 911 and check to see if the trauma victim is breathing. Open up their airways by tilting the chin up, or if the patient has a neck injury, use the “jaw-thrust maneuver,” as shown in this video. If this does not work, start CPR.
Step#2. Treat bleeding - Apply pressure to the wound – not above the wound; applying pressure above the wound will act as a tourniquet. If possible, elevate the wound; use gravity to slow the bleeding.
Step #3. Spine Immobilization - Always presume the trauma victim has a neck or back injury. Stabilize the victim’s neck by “splinting” the head. Place something sturdy, like bags of flour or sugar (if you’re at home), on both sides of the head; tape across the head, as shown in this video, to make sure the victim does not move.