Avoiding Misdiagnosis
Identify the symptoms that have steered doctors dangerously off course.
Be a Smart Patient
Dr. Oz reveals 5 insider tips on getting the best medical care possible.
The 3 things every pet owner should know to save their pet's life
Regret Your Tattoo?
Dr. Oz discusses the medical procedures that erase your ink, How to get rid of your tattoo.
A Marine’s Workout
Ten-Hut! Dr. Oz gets whipped into shape by the warrior fitness bootcamp.
Symptoms of a disease may not be the same in everyone. They can be silent, vague or atypical. And occasionally they mimic or hide behind other diseases.
Here are 3 instances where symptoms were misinterpreted,and misdiagnosed talked about today on Dr. Oz.
1. Symptoms: Dizziness, loss of leg control and vomiting
Diagnosis: Labyrinthitis, an inner ear condition that causes severe vertigo.
Actual Diagnosis: Stroke, a blood clot that gets lodged in the brain. A brain attack, as strokes are often called, produces different symptoms depending on where the clot affects the brain, and in turn, affects muscle control, speech, vision and balance.
Janet Stroke Symptoms
Janet was Dr. OZ's first guest was misdiagnosed today on Dr. OZ. Janet suddenly lost control of her legs, saying they were like noodles. Seconds later Janet said she dropped to her knees, and the room started spinning really fast and her vision went. Then the most intense nausea she ever experienced. She started vomiting uncontrollably, then had hiccups she couldn't stop. She thought she caught the stomach flu from her son, and sent her family off on a family outing without her. She was still vomiting, and couldn't see straight by the time they got back.
Her husband rushed her to the ER. Guess what the doctor's said she could have the flu. A CAT scan showed nothing abnormal, and diagnosed with an inner ear infection, given a prescription for nausea and sent home, and said she would be fine in 3 to 6 weeks.
Janet had a Stroke! Heart Attack, Stroke and Cardiac Arrest Warning Signs
Sally Hypothyroidism Symptoms
2. Symptoms: Unrelenting fatigue, weight gain, lethargy, irregular periods, cold sensitivity, hair loss and brittle nails.
Diagnosis: Perimenopause and depression.
Actual Diagnosis: Hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid gland that doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone. Misdiagnosing hypothyroidism can lead to heart disease, high LDL (bad) cholesterol, infertility, birth defects and depression.
Sally Was Dr. OZ's second guest misdiagnosed today. Sally said her symptoms came on slowly, complaints of being tired, and over time the exhaustion became debilitating. She would take multiple naps just to get through her day. Sally was also steadily gaining weight, and no matter what diet she tried she couldn't even drop a pound.
One doctor told her she was starting menopause, symptoms were irregular periods on top of the fatigue and weight gain, so to her the diagnosis made sense. Sally had Gastric Bypass Surgery, but even after losing 100 pounds, she was more tired than ever. She was cold all the time, couldn't complete a sentence, and taking 3 naps a day, her hair started to fall out, and her nails became brittle.
She got a second opinion and was diagnosed with depression, and handed her a prescription for anti depressants, which she refused to take.
Dr. OZ gave a us a tip on how to find out if you have a hypothyroidism problem by using enough hair that can be twisted and inserted in a straw. You take a section of hair wide enough that when twisted it could be inserted into a straw. You don't put the hair in a straw, but gently put tension on the base of the hair and slide your fingers from the root of the hair to the top. If there are more than 6 strands of hair that came out between your fingers could be a symptom and telltale sign of Hypothyroidism.
What Is Hypothyroidism
Donna Aortic Dissection Symptoms
3. Symptoms: After a C-section delivery, high blood pressure, swollen legs, and tightness/pain in the chest.
Diagnosis: Hypertension following pregnancy.
Actual Diagnosis: Aortic dissection, a weakening in wall of the largest blood vessel exiting the heart, creating a false channel of blood that can eventually tear under high pressure and stress. Misdiagnosing aortic dissection can lead to multiple organ failure, stroke, hemorrhage and death.
Donna was Dr. OZ's third misdiagnosed guest today. Dr. OZ says this is the number one deadly condition Doctor's overlooked and misdiagnosed in women is the heart. At 37 Donna gave birth to her first child, and have to have an emergency C section. Donna says something wasn't right with her, although everything was fine with the baby. Her blood pressure was high, 150/80, even though it was normal through her entire pregnancy.
Her legs became swollen beyond recognition, and the doctor's told her high blood pressure and swelling was a result of the surgery, and she would be fine in a few days. Shortly after she went home she found bruising on her neck, and the swelling in her legs didn't go down, then she experienced the worse pain of her life, from her lower ribs to her shoulder blades, and she began to hyperventilate. Her husband rushed her to the ER.
Symptoms And Risk Factors Of Aortic dissection
Do your homework, Organize your thoughts--make notes and take them to the doctor's office with you of all your symptoms. Describe your symptoms in detail, when symptoms occur, what makes you feel better and what makes you feel worse. If you have pain explain to the doctor if it is stabbing, dull, or does it only occur when you do certain things.
Dr. Oz How Learn How to Talk to Your Doctor
The top 5 insider secrets before you make your next doctor's visitDr. Oz prescribes 5 tips to turn you into a smarter patient.
Before you go in for your appointment, be armed with information about what’s bothering you and the answers to your doctor’s most common questions. Make sure you can answer the following questions:
What hurts you?
Where does it hurt?
How does it hurt? (For example, does it hurt all day long or only some of the day?)
What makes it better and what makes it worse? This includes medications, activities and food.
Finally, Dr. Oz says don’t be afraid of your doctor, If they are not helping you, go find yourself a new one.
Dr. Oz Tattoo Removal Techniques
Dr. Oz discussed medical options for everyone on how to erase their permanent ink.
1. Creams: Anti-tattoo creams cost about $100 for a 2-month supply. However, their results are limited and are not a permanent removal.
2. Dermabrasion: This technique involves a dermatologist scraping the skin down to the tattoo. It’s very painful and it scars – it’s also expensive, costing several thousand dollars.
Cryotherapy: Liquid nitrogen is used to freeze and destroy the tattoo. There isn’t yet a way to target only the tattoo ink, so skin gets damaged and scarred in the freezing process.
3. The newest technique on the market, laser targets tattoo particles without harming the skin. It breaks the tattoo into smaller pieces that immune cells can destroy – the tattoo goes away. Again, this treatment is expensive.
If you cannot afford these techniques you can always try Medical Makeup
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The highly opaque Dermablend products were specially developed to hide noticeable flaws to make you look and feel better. Dermablend is recommended by dermatologists and plastic surgeons nationwide; for all skin types. Fragrance-free, waterproof, smudge-resistant and long-lasting — up to eight hours.
Dr. Marty Becker And Dr. OZ Saving Your Life's Pet
The 3 things every pet owner should know to save their pet's life
1. Pet owners need to know how to do the Hymlick Maneuver -- The first thing you do is if you have a small dog you can actually grab him by the back legs and hold him up off the ground and kinda shake him like your trying to shake something out of a bag. For a larger dog like Rosie (Dr. OZ's dog) grab him by the back legs like a wheel barrow, and shake her. If that doesn't work on a medium or large dog, take the palm of your hand and hit them right between the shoulder blades five or six times right between the shoulder blades, and do it really hard.
With a small dog on your lap, you just take and put your fist up under her chest and pull towards your belly button and towards your head at the same time -- so it's in and up repeatedly.
Dr. Becker says the 3 things dogs choke on are toys, food, and women's underwear.
2. When dogs cut themselves, protect yourself by getting a mussel on the dog, stop the bleeding by using a pad or gauze, and don't take it off once you think your pet has stopped bleeding, leave it because the blood is beginning to clot. Once the blood has completely stopped clean the wound with KY jelly because it is easy to was off, then use an anti-bacterial soap, and then an antibiotic ointment, then a telfa pad. When wrapping your pets wound, start wrapping from the paw first, then up the leg.
3. CPR -- with a cat or a small dog on it's side, slip your hand under one side of the pet and the other hand on top, and squeeze together ten compressions, and then a mouth to snout CPR. For a medium size dog repeated pressure thrusts on the thickest part of the chest while they are on their side, the same goes for large dogs. For large dogs give ten compressions for every breath of air that you will administer from your mouth to their snout. You need to squeeze their mouth closed to perform this properly. Mouth To Snout resuscitation!
A Marine’s Workout Warrior Fitness Bootcamp Workout
An intense bootcamp workout with marine Alex Fell Boot Camp InstructorNATHAN’S SPICY TILAPIA RECIPE

Dr. OZ Misdiagnosed Deadly Conditions That Doctors Miss In Women -- Daily Health Web