
Dr. Oz Five Pains That Could Be Cancer

5 Cancer Pains Know The Warning Signs
Learn when lasting pain could be a symptom of the disease you fear most.
Could your unexplained pain be the disease you fear most? 5 pains that could mean cancer. The 5 Deadly Cancers, Know The Warning Signs.
Puberty Returns Perimenopause; Women 40+ can experience puberty twice! Learn to combat your hormones.
Beat the Winter Blues; Get through the dark winter days with 5 tips to beat the winter blues.

Dr Oz Cancer Pain;
"Whatever the reason for pain, it should never be neglected because it speaks volumes. In particular, pain that lasts for more than two weeks, or intensifies over time, can signal something sinister is at work, such as cancer. Knowing what to pay attention to can convince you to go to the doctor sooner, when early diagnosis and treatment can do the most good."
Not all cancers cause pain, and the absence of pain doesn't rule out cancer. But pain is noteworthy, whether it is slight or strong. Cancer pain also depends on how much room there is for the tumor to expand. So if a tumor is hemmed in the brain, pain might be experienced sooner than tumors in the belly, where it has more space to grow and spread.

When a tumor is growing it can compress, irritate, block or destroy any tissue, tubes, ducts or blood vessels in the vicinity. Nearby nerves are stimulated and a flow of information travels along nerve pathways up to the brain where pain is perceived. The characteristics of cancer pain – whether it is dull, sharp, aching or burning – depend on the nerve pathway that is stimulated and how fast the signals are transmitted.

Dr. Oz's 5 Pains That Could be Cancer

1. Chest Pain; Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in both men and women. Although smoking greatly increases the risk, lung cancer can also occur in people who have never smoked, particularly women.

1st Deadliest Cancer - Lung Cancer & Symptoms: Pain in the chest, chronic cough, coughing up of blood, shortness of breath, wheezing, hoarseness and weight loss can be a sign of lung cancer.

2. Abdominal Pain; Pain in the abdomen can be caused by a number of illnesses including colon cancer, defined by tumors of the large intestines. people with colon cancer experience changes in bowel performance. Screening colonoscopy can visualize precancerous polyps that occupy the colon and doctors can remove them before they advance to cancer.

2nd Deadliest Cancer Colon Cancer & Symptoms: Abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, blood in stool, rectal bleeding and difficulty passing stool, change in stool consistency and weight loss can be a sign of colon cancer.

3. Pelvic Pain; The pelvic region contains some reproductive and urinary tract organs, such as the uterus, ovaries and bladder. Pelvic pain, cramping and bloating as part of the normal menstrual cycle, but it can also point to cancer of the ovaries. Problems with ovarian cancer is that pain usually appears late in the disease because the ovaries on each side of the uterus have a spacious cavity to grow in, and painful symptoms only appear when the tumors enlarge.

Third Deadliest Cancer Ovarian Cancer & Symptoms: Pelvic, abdominal or lower back pain, bladder pressure, changes in urinary bowel patterns, bloating, fullness and weight loss can be a sign of ovarian cancer.

4. Head Pain; The brain is contained in the skull, so when tumors invade there is no place for the brain to expand. The tumor impinges on the tissue and fluid inside of the brain is unable to drain naturally.

Fourth Deadliest Cancer Brain Cancer And Symptoms: Chronic early morning headache, or one that wakes you from sleep, that is also associated with nausea, vomiting, changes in sensation, vision, speech or balance, can be a sign of a brain tumor.

5. Bone Pain; Cancer can arise in bone or travel from another location in the body (metastasis). When cancer invades the dense matrix that makes bone hard, it weakens the structure and makes them more prone to fracture.

Fifth Deadliest Cancer Multiple Myeloma & Symptoms: Chronic bone pain, back pain, unexplained fractures, anemia, frequent infections, and fatigue can be a sign of multiple myeloma.

Report Pain to Your Doctor
The type of pain you experience can offer clues to its cause. Dr. Oz Says keep these factors in mind when describing your pain to your doctor.
1. Where the pain is located
2. When you first noticed the pain
3. What precipitated the pain
4. How long you have had the pain
5. How long the pain lasts when it comes
6. How often the pain occurs
7. What you do or take that makes it worse
8. What you do or take that makes it better
9. What it feels like – stabbing, throbbing, stinging etc.
10. What other symptoms you have, and what you think it is.

Dr. Oz's Signs And Solutions For Perimenopause Second Puberty

Dr. Oz focused this segment of the show to women over 40, changes in your skin, weight changes, hormone changes and female balding. Dr.Oz claims perimenopause could be second puberty. Dr. Oz talks about the tops signs of mid life puberty.

Also called perimenopause, this second onset of puberty can include changes to your hair, skin and weight. Dr. Oz shares the signs of, and solutions for, perimenopause.

Signs of perimenopause:

Changes in skin - Solution:
Dr Oz recommends Using moisturizers that contain Retinols. These are available over the counter and in prescription forms.

Weight Gain - Solutions:
Enjoy a healthy diet,regular exercise, and a daily dose of Vitamin D And Calcium.

Hair Changes - Solutions:
Women can take minoxidil, a medication originally indented to treat blood pressure and will regenerate hair loss. However, unwanted facial hair can also be a problem – and laser removal can help remove it.

Beat The Winter Blues

Here are 5 tips Dr. Oz recommends to help you get through the dark winter days and to beat the winter blues.

1. Peppermint oil – Peppermint oil helps with sadness, depression. Inhale a whiff to give you’re a burst of energy.
2. Florescent compact bulb – these bright lights can actual change the levels of melatonin in your brain inhibiting depression. They’re also very inexpensive!
3. Chili peppers – contain capsaicin, which boots your energy and can enhance your circulation.
4. Ginger tea – it boosts your metabolism, increasing weight loss!
5. Gingko biloba – makes you more alert and boosts your brain-power.


Dr. Oz Red Wine Resveratrol For Anti Aging

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Preventing Aneurysms
Dr. Oz stresses the seriousness of this threatening condition.

Dr. Oz takes anti-aging to the extreme with his Ultimate Anti-Aging Guide.

Benefits Of Resveratrol

One of Dr. Oz's topics today was about Red Wine And Resveratrol as part of the anti aging process. he did not endorse any particular company but he did recommend taking 500 milligrams of Resveratrol daily. As far as the diversity of health benefits goes, you will be certainly hard pressed to find another naturally occurring chemical out there which is proven to aid in the following things:

1. Heart Disease
2. Stroke Risk
3. Carcinogens of all types
4. Effect of Radiation on the body
5. Cellular Level dysfunction
6. Brain and cell degeneration
7. Lactic Acid Buildup
8. Free Radicals & Dangerous Toxins

Resveratrol Promotes

1. Metabolic Rate (Fat Burning)
2. Antioxidant Levels
3. Good Cholesterol
4. Natural Energy

Most of us worry about getting older. Asking ourself will our health deteriorate? Will we become dependent – or even burdensome – to others? Ensuring wellness and vitality during your golden years starts with establishing a healthy lifestyle that will prevent future illnesses.

First, a quick anatomy lesson: Whether “youth” is defined as physical strength, appearance or the sharpness of one’s mental facilities, it all begins on a cellular level. Telomeres are located on the cell’s DNA and play a crucial role in the creation of new cells.

As we age and grow, new cells are created – and each and every one needs some of your DNA’s telomeres. When there’s none left, that’s when our DNA starts to fray causing many of the problems we associate with old age like frailty, impaired memory and weakness.

But what if you could add years to your life, tap into a fountain of youth and beat the agony that comes with age? To do just that, Dr. Oz is sharing 5 tips that will increase your overall health and maintain our telomeres so that cells can continue to reproduce.

1. and 2. Exercise
You knew it was coming – and in fact, it’s so important that it gets 2 of the 5 spaces on this list: one for weight training and one for aerobic exercise. While exercise might be something you dread, physical activity is more than a common-sense weight loss method. On the cellular level, exercise can elongate your telomeres.

A well-rounded fitness routine should include weight training and aerobic exercise 3 times a week. A simple way that you can test how old your muscles think you are is by doing push-ups. Click here for tips on proper push-up form and here for the YOU: Staying Young guide to optimal push-up performance.

3. Eat Colorful Fruits and Vegetables
Exercise goes hand in hand with eating right – and the more colorful the fruits and vegetables are that comprise your meals, the more effective they are at preventing free radicals from aging you.

Flavonoids and carotenoids are plant-based anti-oxidants that remove free radicals from our foods. Their colorful skins protect them from the sun’s ray that increase the release of the free radicals into food’s systems.

A “carotenoid fruit bowl” includes those with colorful skins like apples, oranges, grapes and apricots.

4. Stay Sleek: Eat Just a Little Less
In a recent study done at the University of Wisconsin it was discovered that calorie restriction, even in a minor sense, could reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer and heart disease. In the study, one group of monkeys ate as much as they wanted, whenever they wanted. The second group was fed 30% fewer calories every day. After 20 years, the evidence was clear: the monkeys on a restricted diet looked better and had less instances of diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

For a normal 2,000-calorie diet, 15% less is only 300 calories. That’s about a handful of tortilla chips! Eat consciously – when you are hungry and include plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables.

5. Be With People You Love
Emotional health is a key part of longevity. Staying in touch with the people that are dear to us boosts our immune system. Surround yourself with the ones you love will keep your heart and spirit young. If you don’t give your heart a reason to keep beating, it won’t.

Clinical Resveratrol 500 Milligrams

Brain Aneurysms The Widow maker

Know the risk factors for aneurysms

Dr. Oz stresses the seriousness of a condition affecting 5% of the population and strikes more women than men. One-half of those who experience a ruptured aneurysm die. Learn to detect the signs of this silent killer.

Symptoms of an unruptured aneurysm:
1. Vision trouble
2. Speech problems
3. Impairment or loss of balance or coordination

Symptoms of a rupture:
1. A small bleed, or sentinel bleed, will cause a minor headache.
2. A blown-out aneurysm will cause a “thunderclap” headache – the worst headache you have ever imagined and it’s almost always accompanied by nausea and vomiting. If you experience a headache like this, go to the ER immediately.


Dr. Oz Skin Cancer The Deadly Cancer You Can Prevent

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Amy, A viewer who was inspired by "Oz Wellness Warrior," Nancy, returns for an update. The #1 cancer killer doctors are missing: skin cancer. Plus, the seeds you should not live without.

Learn How To Detect Skin Cancer Yourself

Prevent Skin Cancer
It's the #1 cancer doctors are missing. Learn how to detect it yourself. Dr. Oz's System for Identifying Melanoma, it is the number 1 cause of cancer that Doctor's are not trained to catch. But today Dr. oz shows us how we can find it ourselves.

Christine joined dr. Oz on the stage today, she has a mole which she noticed a couple of months ago on the back of her shoulders. This is where Dr. Oz shows us the ABCDE system for looking for Melanoma skin cancer.

1. Asymmetry; Benign - malignant
2. Border Irregularity
3. Color
4. Diameter; size less than 6 millimeters, the size of the eraser of a pencil
5. Evolution

Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi joined Dr. Oz in this video to explain how using mirrors and checking the size of moles on a regular basis can save you from skin cancer.

Amy's Weight Loss Story

After losing 200 pounds following Dr. Oz's YOU on a Diet plan, Nancy returns to help Amy, a woman desparate to kick her food addiction and start a family.

This video is from the first time Amy Appeared on Dr. Oz

Amy's weight loss secret was having an automated eating plan and exercise. Her waist size went from 61 inches to 52 inches. She weighed 364 pounds, and today she weighed in on the truth tube at 316 pounds. Amy lost 48 LBS. so far. The exciting part of Amy's progress is she now finally having a menstrual cycle, she has had two since the 10 weeks on her weight loss program.

Although Amy did a 5 K run, Dr. Oz wanted her to be exercising more now, and presented her with her very own elliptical.

Amy's Weight Loss Recipe Ingredients

Raspberry, Blueberry & Almond Sherbet
6 oz frozen organic unsweetened raspberries
6 oz frozen organic unsweetened blueberries
1/2 cup slivered almonds
1 cup nonfat organic milk (rice or soy milk is fine as well)
2 tbsp agave nectar
1 tbsp fresh sqeezed lemon juice
1 tsp almond extract

Place all Ingredients except almonds in a food processor and blend until smooth. Once completely blended, fold in almonds. Place in freezer for 30 minutes. Remove and fold to add a little air into the sherbert and place back into freezer. Freeze for 2 hours before serving! Enjoy! Makes 4 under-200-calorie desserts!

Spinach Sautee Recipe
Fresh (or frozen spinach)
Diced chicken breast
Dash of garlic
1/2 tsp olive oil
1/2 apple, chopped

Sautee until done and enjoy! Season with garlic salt and a sprinkle of crushed red pepper.

The Power of Seeds

Seeds, the power plant of nutrition - Seeds Dr. Oz says we should all have in our pantry. The 7 seeds dr. Oz talked about today were sunflowers, sesame, hemp, pumpkin, poppy, chia and flax seeds.

1. Sunflower Seeds - 1/4 cups of sunflower seeds provides 82% of Vitamin E. Sunflower seeds reduce blood pressure and contain magnesium

2. Sesame Seeds- source of Vitamin E, is believed to prevent high blood pressure and protect the liver against damage. Half cup of sesame seeds contains 3 times more calcium than half cup of whole milk.

3. Hemp Seeds are full of protein, you can eat them whole or hulled, but hemp provides more fibre when consumed in the shell. Hemp comes from the same plant as marijuana. Dr. Oz had clue for this game was that Hippie's love them, Hemp seeds don't make you high.

4. Pumpkin Seeds are full of magnesium, 1/2 cup of pumpkin seeds contains 92% of your daily value of magnesium. Prevention of Osteoporosis
Because they are high in zinc, pumpkin seeds are a natural protector against osteoporosis. Improved Bladder Function, Prostate Protection
They promote overall prostate health and alleviate the difficult urination associated with an enlarged prostate. Natural Anti-Inflammatory
Pumpkin seeds effectively reduce inflammation without the side effects of anti-inflammatory drugs.

5. Poppy Seeds - These seeds are also good sources of fatty acids, especially the omega-3 fatty acids, which are required by human body to ensure good health. The presence of linoleic acid in poppy seeds protect human body from heart attacks and other heart disorders. The oil made from poppy seeds is helpful in treating breast cancer, as it contains oleic acid.

6. Chia Seeds - The Chia Seed is considered one of nature’s most perfect foods. Gram for gram, Chia Seeds contains more omega-3 fatty acids than flaxseed, more fibre than bran, more protein than soy, more calcium than milk, more potassium than bananas, more iron than spinach, and more antioxidants than blueberries.

Chia seeds are also used for weight loss. 2 tablespoons of Chia Seeds to your daily diet will give you approximately
7 grams of dietary fiber, 4 grams of protein, 205 milligrams of calcium, vitamins and minerals ( A, B, E, and D, and minerals including calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, iron, iodine, copper, zinc, sodium, magnesium, manganese, niacin, thiamine, silicon, and anti-oxidants), and 5.2 grams of omega-3 and 1.7 grams of omega-6.

7. Flax Seeds - Flax can be used to decrease hot flash symptoms, and breast pain. Flax is also used as a laxative. helps people who suffer from heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Dr. Oz says you need to grind the flax seeds to get the oils in your body and gets the benefits of flax seeds.


Find out what Dr. Oz said about Adult Acne and Dry Skin


Dr. Oz Deadly Panic Attacks And Undiagnosed Medical Problems

Could you be at risk for a deadly panic attack? Learn if your anxiety is serious.
Fighting Panic Attacks Get tips on how to prevent the terrifying symptoms of a panic attack. Dr. Oz reveals how to tell if your anxiety is more than a panic attack.

4 Deadly Conditions Doctor's Often Miss

400 Pound Mom Stress Eater; A Dr. Oz intervention with a 400-pound woman.

Allergies and the three warning signs of Food Allergies. Food Allergy Warnings
Dr. Oz is revealing the 3 most common warning signs of food allergies.

Panic Attacks - Feelings of intense fear that develops for no apparent reason that triggers severe physical reactions. Dr. Oz explained today that not always are these symptoms of a panic attack, it could be symptoms of a significant undiagnosed medical problem. Sudden rushes of fear or anxiety could be one of the 4 medical conditions causing your panic attacks.

The 4 deadly conditions that Doctors often miss on the Dr. Oz Show today were;

Each one of the stories these women were put on Antidepressants diagnosed with stress which were leading to panic attacks.

1. Jennifer's Story - Graves Disease(Hypothyroidism) not panic attacks. Racing heart, hot and irritable, dizzy, sweating, vomiting and trembling. Told she was having a panic attack at the hospital and sent her home. When it happened again she was told she had a panic disorder and needed councilling. Dr. Oz did a test we can all do by looking down and making sure you cannot see the whites of eyes. Read More On Graves Disease(Hypothyrodism) Symtoms.

2. Linda's Story - Pheochromocytoma (Adrenal Tumour) which grows on the Adrenal Gland and secretes a hormone epinephrine. Linda's symptoms were that she suffered from high blood pressure, horrible migraines, intense sweats, severe hot flashes throughout the day and night, and her hands trembled uncontrollably so that she couldn't even pick up her coffee cup. She had a tumour on her Adrenal Gland. Adrenaline is the "fight or flight" hormone. Read More On Pheochromocytoma Symptoms

3. Kelly's Story - Mitral Valve Prolapse - For 8 years Kelly would have attacks of gasping for breath, and was diagnosed as having an asthma attack at first, then afterwards diagnosed as having panic attacks. Her heart was constantly racing, and always short of breath, and a constant sense of impending doom.

Kelly suffers from Mitral valve prolapse - Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) occurs when the valve between your heart's left upper chamber (left atrium) and the left lower chamber (left ventricle) doesn't close properly. Read More On Mitral Valve Prolapse Symptoms .

4. Acid Reflux Gerd - Dr. leigh Vinocur had this problem - she was also diagnosed with a Panic disorder.

Dr. Oz And Jennifer 400 Pound Stress Eater

Dr. Oz And Jennifer who is almost 400 pounds, sat on stage today with Dr. Susan Albers. Jennifer told her story of not being able to even go into plus size stores to buy clothes because they would not fit her. She claims to have tried every single diet out there, lose 100 pounds but would gain it back every time. She said she eats when she's bored, eat when she's stressed or preoccupied. She eats whats easy and convenient. Her downfalls are breakfast carbs. Jennifer is a morbidly obese mom is at a crossroads in her life to committing to losing the weight, or she goes for gastric bypass surgery.

Jennifer's Truth Tube Numbers Were;

Weight 381
Waist Size 54 inches
BMI 65
B/P 140/98
Neck Size 16 1/2
Joint Pain - Yes

Jennifer's Stress Eating Plan

1. Breakfast - Quit the sweets and have whole grain english muffins with peanut butter

2. Snack Kit - This snack kit consists of a massage ball and gum. Dr. Oz's suggestions for Jennifer's snacks were granola, baked crisps and popcorn, and keep it with her wherever she goes.

3. Micro Dinners
Dinner on a Dime
Dr. Oz enlists Chef Charles Mattocks the poor chef to serve up a healthy, affordable meal. How to prepare a healthy dinner on the cheap side.

4. Sunrise Breathing Exercises - When jennifer gets the urge to eat she is to this To do this 5 times and ask herself again does she really want that snack.

Dr. Michael Roizen from the Cleveland Clinic will be directing Jennifer every step of the way just like he has with Rocco and Tyronne on their 28 Day Challenge.

The Warning Signs Of Food Allergies Anaphylactic Reaction

This segment of the Dr. Oz show talks about the dangers and deadly reactions of food allergies and anaphylaxis - anaphylactic reaction. He goes over the three most common warning signs of food allergies that could save your life. In this video Dr. Oz explains how our cells release a histamine - allergic reaction to substance or food and why we get hives, etc.

Three Warning Signs of Food Allergies:
1. Skin irritation
2. Tingling in your mouth
3. Swelling in the throat and difficulty breathing

5 Foods that Most Commonly Cause Allergic Reactions:
1. Shellfish
2. Peanuts
3. Eggs
4. Walnuts
5. Fish

Dr. Oz and Chef Charles Mattocks(chef and cookbook author)do up some healthy and affordable meals. Today they made an inexpensive meal to feed 4 with an upside down casserole.

Casserole Ingredients
1. Olive oil
2. Onions which cost him .50 cents,
3. Lean turkey meat which cost him 2.93 for 1/2 pound
4. Tomato puree which cost him 1.05
5. Worcestershire sauce - 1.19
6. Low fat biscuits - 1.25

Total cost of this Dinner On A Dime Upside Down Casserole Recipe is 6.92

Dr. Oz's tips for the day are;

1. Cut down on sweets at breakfast by replacing those high sugar doughnuts with whole grain english muffins.

2. Food Allergies can be deadly, if you or a family member suffer from allergies, keep an EPI Pen on hand and learn how to use a Epi Penin case of an attack.

3. Try planning out your meals ahead of time by doing research to keep healthy eating easy and inexpensive.


Dr. Oz The Truth About Diet Pills And Weight Loss

Today Dr. Oz Truth About Diet Pills - How To Choose A Diet Pill
From Herbal Diet Supplements, Over The Counter Diet Pills(OTC), to Prescription Weight Loss Pills, learn the dangers of diet pills. Can diet pills help you lose weight? Dr. Oz investigates common "Diet Drugs". Looking for a weight loss quick fix? It could be deadly. The truth about Diet Pills on Dr Oz

Once medically overlooked, Dr. Oz explains why your spleen is a vital organ.

Is Party Food Safe?
Before you dip that chip, learn what germs are lurking in party food.

Snoring - Sleep Apnea - How To Identify And Treat Sleep Apnea.
Brian And Jennifer's Snoring Related To Sleep Apnea

Dr. Oz Diet Pills And Weight Loss

The truth about weight loss diet pill - They can raise your blood pressure so high you can have strokes. The truth about Diet Pill dangers - What works and what doesn't was the first segment of Dr. Oz today. Dr Oz has a secret to share with you!

Karen's Story and the truth about diet pills. Dr. Oz says that 60% of us are over weight or dangerously obese, and 15% of us do the quick fix with diet pills. There are 3 types of diet drugs - prescription, over the counter, and herbal supplements out there as choices for weight loss pills.

Diet pills work in several different ways, the curb your appetite, make you feel full, increase your metabolism, or keep your body from absorbing the fat we eat.

They are not all regulated and their not all safe. The FDA found 70 Diet Pills that were spiked with drugs.

Dr. oz says you can take diet drugs and they work, but to take them with caution because there are risks involved.

Karen took diet pills and experienced the extra energy immediately, and loved it right of the bat. Within a few days she was full of energy and losing a pound a day. On day 5 of taking these diet pills Karen was getting the feeling she was chosen for something, and the feeling like it was the end of the world, and it was her mission to tell everyone. On the seventh day her husband had to admit her to to a physiatric ward.

Karen's husband took the product to her doctor and he informed him she was taking multiple herbal stimulants, which he classified as legal amphetamines, that's like speed.

It took her 9 months to get herself back on track with her life - 2 years after taking the product Karen went Manic again, and 3 years later she went manic again, and a year after that it hit again. karen says because she decided to put that diet supplement in her mouth she opened a door and there's no going back. It altered the way her brain functioned properly, and the chance that had she not taken the product she wouldn't now be Bipolar, and have a lifelong mental condition.

The drug Karen took má huáng which is like Ephedra(Ephedra is of the market now)

Natural supplements Dr. Oz spoke about today were;

1. Bitter Orange - Bitter Orange has been used for many years in different parts of the world, it gives you energy, it reduces your appetite, with a similar action as Synephrine.

2. Hoodia - Hoodia is available in pill form, Liquid Hoodia, and even Hoodia Lollipops. Originally Hoodia was used by African leaders, tribesmen. It increases the amount of energy in the brain. Hoodia is so popular in the United States, more Hoodia has been sold in the U.S. last year than has ever been used in the African Country. Dr. Oz says it is impossible for these products to have exactly what they say are in them.

Dr. Caroline Opovian joined Dr. Oz clarifying the facts about Over The Counter products and their safety and effectiveness. She said the FDA does not regulate many over the counter products including the herbals.

Prescription Weight Loss pills such as Meridia is prescribed as appetite suppressant. Another type of prescription weight loss drug is a fat absorption inhibitor. Orlistat - Xenical is the only example of this type of treatment approved for use in the U.S. Xenical works by blocking about 30% of dietary fat from being absorbed. Xenical is now sold over-the-counter as Alli.

Orlistat (marketed as a prescription under the trade name Xenical by Roche or over-the-counter as Alli by GlaxoSmithKline), also known as tetrahydrolipstatin, is a drug designed to treat obesity. Its primary function is preventing the absorption of fats from the human diet, thereby reducing caloric intake. It is intended for use in conjunction with a physician-supervised reduced-calorie diet. Orlistat is the saturated derivative of lipstatin, a potent natural inhibitor of pancreatic lipases isolated from the bacterium Streptomyces toxytricini. However, due to simplicity and stability, orlistat rather than lipstatin was developed into an anti-obesity drug.

Orlistat also modestly reduces blood pressure, and appears to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, whether due to weight loss itself or to other effects; in a large randomized controlled trial, orlistat was found to reduce the incidence of diabetes by nearly 40% in obese people.

Meridia and Xenical are the only weight loss drugs approved for longer-term use in significantly obese people, although the safety and effectiveness have not been established for use beyond two years.

The Side Effects of Prescription Weight Loss Drugs
Most appetite suppressants are used as a short-term treatment for obese people. Not only do the drugs' effects tend to wear off after a few weeks, but they can also have some unpleasant side effects, including:
  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Sweating
  • Constipation
  • Insomnia (inability to sleep or stay asleep)
  • Excessive thirst
  • Lightheadedness
  • Drowsiness
  • Stuffy nose
  • Headache
  • Anxiety
  • Dry mouth

Dr Oz Over-the-Counter Drugs

Orlistat is the only product approved by the FDA that influences how fat is absorbed by our bodies. It coats the intestinal system stopping the enzymes that normally digest fat, enabling our bodies to absorb it. If you don’t absorb fat, you can’t absorb calories.

To avoid this complication, you have to keep your total fat intake to 30% or less (which is actually how the medication does its job) and try taking psyllium husks or other high-fiber supplements to aid the digestive process. Orlistat also inhibits your body’s ability to absorb important vitamins such as A, D and E, so it’s important to take a multivitamin in conjunction with it.

Diet Pills Can Work - Take With Caution says Dr. Oz. You can jump start your weight loss program with two cups of black coffee - no cream or sugar.

Click Here - Dr. Oz And Rocco's Story On How He Lost 30 Pounds In 28 Days!

Dr. Oz Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Could you die in your sleep - Could you be suffocating in your sleep?

Brian and Jennifer joined Dr. Oz today, and they both suffer from Sleep Apnea. Dr. Oz had testing done on both of them and stated that Brian has the severest form of sleep apnea he has ever seen. 67 times an hour Brian suffocates, and Jennifer was not as bad.

Untreated sleep apnea can:

1. Increase the risk for high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, obesity, and diabetes
2. Increase the risk for or worsen heart failure
3. Make irregular heartbeats more likely
4. Increase the chance of having work-related or driving accidents
5. Lifestyle changes, mouthpieces, surgery, and/or breathing devices can successfully treat sleep apnea in many people.

What Are The Signs and Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

1. Daytime sleepiness
2. Loud snoring at night
3. Interruptions in nighttime breathing
4. Abrupt awakenings followed by shortness of breath
5. Acid reflux
6. Frequent nighttime urination
7. Headaches
8. Memory loss
9. Large neck size (over 17 inches for men and 16 for women)

3 Step Plan For Sleep Apnea

Step 1: Get enough sleep. A tired brain functions poorly and is less and less able to respond to low oxygen at night, which means your apneas will become more frequent and prolonged. Getting adequate sleep consistently is critical to helping your brain regulate your oxygen intake. Follow these tips for sound sleep hygiene.

Step 2: Lose excess weight - Losing 10% of your body weight will improve sleep apnea by a third. For most average-sized women you only have 10 pounds to lose to achieve that relief. Cigarette smoke inflames the airways, narrowing them and making it more difficult for enough oxygen to get in.

Step 3: Treat nasal congestion. Over-the-counter nasal sprays, neti pots, saline drops, and decongestants can help reduce nasal inflammation and open up your airway.

More On Sleep Apnea

Dr. Oz How Safe Is Your Party Foods

What germs are lurking in the dips, spreads, chips and snacks at your friends' houses, plus the bacteria in restaurant's open mint bowls.

Dr. Oz talked about Super Bowl Sunday, and what you wouldn't believe is living in your dips and candy bowls. He guarantee's we will never double dip again. Laverne helps Dr. Oz with a double dipping experiment. From a bacterial perspective Dr. Oz sent her dips to the lab, and found group B Streptococcus, which affects your intestinal tract and cause meningitis, and infections. Dr. Oz's tips were to keep the portions bite size so there is no need to double dip.

The mint bowls at restaurants having bits of urine on them is not what Dr. Oz found, but he did find Bacillus which is a soil contaminant which can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. He also found Streptococcus Viridans which is found in peoples mouths.

I stopped eating mints years ago from restaurants when someone told me about urine being on mints. Stick with the individually wrapped mints.

Why You Need Your Spleen

Dr. Oz's tips to keep your spleen healthy:
1. If you have pain in your upper left quadrant (where the spleen is located) have it checked out.
2. Wear a seat belt to prevent splenic injuries during car accidents.
3. Eat Dark Chocolate. The flavonoids boost the immune system and help the spleen respond to infections in your body.
4. Include foods rich in vitamin B6, like potatoes to keep your spleen and immune system healthy.


Dr. Oz Breast Cancer In Men Know The Warning Signs

The Unexpected Diseases Men Get, Breast Cancer In Men - What You Don't Know Could Kill Him - Men's Breast Cancer And Lupus - 2 Diseases Increasingly Crossing Gender Lines To Strike Men. Dr. David Katz Joins Dr. Oz Today On Male Breast Cancer.
The Warning Signs Your Man Needs To Know
The Warning Signs Of Osteoporosis - Dr. Oz Shows You How To Fall So That You Reduce Your Risk Of Breaking A Hip.
Article On Osteoporosis - The Best Food for Bones - Osteoporosis Prescription Drugs

Dr. Oz Breast Cancer In Men Know The Warning Signs

Breast Cancer in Men - high estrogen and low testosterone levels play a major role in male breast cancer because men who have abnormalities involving the testicles and problems with fertility are at higher risk for the disease. Men are not exempt from inheriting (or passing down to their children) breast cancer susceptibility genes such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, a factor in many breast cancers that run in families.
What Raises the Risk in Men? - Know The Symptoms And How To Look For Lumps In Men

Robert told his story on his fight and surviving Breast Cancer. He found a lump under his left nipple and never mentioned it to his Doctor until 2 years later. He had a sonogram, mammogram, and needle biopsy and was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, and had to undergo a radical mastectomy, chemotherapy and 36 treatments of radiation, and is now cancer free. He went on to say no believes men can get breast cancer.

Dr. Oz described what a lump would feel like by taking a chickpea and putting it under a sponge. When you press down on the sponge and feel the pea, it is what it a lump should feel like upon a self breast examination.

Risk Factors For Men's Breast Cancer

1. Klinefelter’s Syndrome – A genetic disease where men have an extra X (female) chromosome causes higher estrogen and lower testosterone levels.
2. Liver Cirrhosis– Since the liver is involved with the metabolism of sex hormones, damage (via infection or alcohol use) increases estrogen levels.
3. Overweight – Fat cells convert male sex hormones into estrogen so being overweight and inactive can increase estrogen.
4. Genetic – Men who have female family members who have the breast cancer gene, particularly if they test postive for BRCA or other breast cancer susceptibility genes, are at much higher risk.
5. Radiation exposure –Radiation treatments received for other conditions can produce changes to breast cells if the rays are required to go through the chest.

What Men Should Look For
Lumps, bumps or swelling in the breast or underarms
Nipple retraction, puckering or indentation
Bleeding or discharge from the nipple
Redness, scaling or itching of the skin

Breast cancer in men is diagnosed using mammography, ultrasound and biopsy. Treatments include surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Lupus In Men

Ben's story - 25 years ago Ben was diagnosed with Lupus. Suffering with severe bouts of joint pain, weight gain, and trouble breathing. Eventually the pain got so bad he was rushed to the emergency room, on the verge of Cardiac Arrest. As a result his kidney's shut down, which explained the weight gain and joint pain - His lungs were filled with fluid, which explained his laboured breathing. He spent 3 months in the hospital fighting the disease, but did not have to undergo dialysis.

Ben takes several medications daily, and still has flair ups where he can gain weight, and his kidneys stops working, he suffers cramps and muscle fatigue.

Common symptoms of lupus in both men and women
Joint swelling and pain
Muscle weakness
Extreme fatigue
Unexplained fever
Butterfly-shaped red rash across the bridge of the nose and cheeks
Chest pain upon deep breathing
Hair loss
Purple fingers or toes when cold (Raynaud's phenomenon)
Sun sensitivity
Leg swelling
Eye puffiness
Mouth sores
Swollen glands

How To Perform A Breast Exam

3 Generations Of Fat

Nicole 27, Adele 50 and Maddie 71 are 3 generations of a dangerously obese family. Their meals on a daily basis usually consisted 2124 calories and 103 grams of fat per serving. Kate Geagan Showed them The Family Style Eating Program. She removed most of the fat from their favourite family recipes by removing most of the butter, and by pounding out chicken it would seem like more meat. One slice of their Lasagna worked out two 1660 calories, Kate altered it and now it is only 500 calories per serving of lasagna.

The truth tube was not very good to this 3 generation family of fat

Maddy's Weight today is 265 pounds
LDL 135
Glucose 118
B/P 140/80
Chronological age 71 - real age 82

Adele's weight today is 330 pounds
LDL 110
Glucose 102
B/P 145/80
Chronological age 50 - Real age 59

Nicole's weight today is 249
BMI 45.5
Waist 47 inches
LDL 169
Chronological age 27 - Real Age 34

Family Style Eating Program Lasagna Recipes & Italian Barramundi


Dr. Oz talked about bone loss and Osteoporosis in this segment of the show. Bone loss begins in your twenties and progresses on throughout your life, and half the women by the age fifty already have some element of Osteoporosis. In the video Dr. Oz explains why we lose 1 to 5 percent bone mass every year after were in our twenties.

Risk Factors for Osteoporosis:
The mortality rate for a broken hip is 20 percent. Dr. Oz said that one in five people who suffer from a broken hip are not going to recover. Surgery can fix the hip, but not the bones. He went to talk about your height, weight, wrist size (our wrist is less than 6 inches, you could be at risk) as a cut of point for Osteoporosis. Smoking, alcohol - drinking in younger women, and depression.

Dr. Oz insisted on not taking calcium by itself, and said to take Calcium With Vitamin D, and Vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is the main vitamin that is responsible together with Vitamin D with building up bone strength and found in fermented foods and beverages called Kefir.

Kefir is a type of yogurt that has been fermented, this can not be found in supplements, it is only through food. You can make your own Kefir with a Kefir Culture Starter kit

Solutions for Osteoporosis
Calcium – you MUST take 1000mg a day with vitamin D or milk
Kefir – a type of yogurt rich in vitamin K2
Dr. Oz demonstrates how to fall – How to roll your shoulder so that you somersault on impact.

Osteoporosis Fitness DVD


Dr. Oz Salt Detox Challenge

Salt Detox Challenge - Andy is back with His Alternative Salt Substitute Blend; Chef Andy's Salt Detox Recipes. Save a Life; Learn what to do (and what not to do) in the case of 3 serious injuries. Dr Oz Salt Detox Recipes; After 28 days, Chef Andy shares his special saltless recipes.

Andy's 28 Day Salt Detox Challenge

Professional Chef Andy Loves salt, used salt for just about everything. Dr. Oz says the recommended amount of salt we should have daily is about 1 teaspoon. Andy has 22 a day.

Andy's blood pressure on the previous show was 160/110. Andy made some big changes with the help of Dr. Roizen, no more fast foods, and replacing the salt..Dr. Oz popped Andy on the truth tube, his numbers changes dramatically in the 28 days.

Andy's weight was 310 pounds -- Andy now weighs 280 LBS. He lost 30 LBS.
BMI 40 is now 37
Waist 54.5 is now 49.5
Cholesterol 154 now it's 113
B/P 160/110 now it's 124/84

Salt Detox Challenge

Fill a small salt shaker with 1 tsp of salt. That is the amount of salt you can consume for that day. If you have high blood pressure, decrease that daily amount to ½ tsp per day.

80% of the salt we consume isn’t salt that we add – it’s in processed and prepared foods. Manufacturers use salt to preserve food and “improve” the taste.

If you are going to do the Salt Detox Challenge avoid all processed and prepared foods including:
Processed meats
Salad dressings
Canned soups

Instead of the Kosher salt base, Andy now uses a blend of seasonings consisting of;

Andy's Substitute Salt Blend
Potassium salt substitute
Onion Powder
Black Pepper
Italian Seasoning

The list Dr. Oz shared his salt Repalcement;

Garlic powder
Dulse flakes (a sea vegetable)

Hidden Salt In Foods

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
Baking soda
Baking powder
Disodium Phosphate
Additionally, be wary of the following surprising sources:
Cottage cheese
Vegetable juice
Certain bran cereals
Low-fat potato chips

Andy's Salt Detox Recipes

Dr. OZ's Emergency Do’s And Don’ts For 3 Serious Injuries

How To Save a Life
Learn what to do,and what not to do in the case of 3 serious injuries.

CALL 911

Head Wounds
Do: Put direct pressure on the wound with a clean cloth
Don’t: Remove pressure to look on the wound or check bleeding

Arm Laceration
Do: Find a pressure point and pinch to slow blood flow to the wound; elevate
Don’t: Use a tourniquet

Abdominal Injury
Do: Use a dressing like clean gauze or clothing
Don’t: Use bare hands. It can cause infections.

What Foods Makes Your Stomach Fat Instead Of Flat!

Foods that make your belly flat:
1. Chocolate
2. Peanut Butter
3. Guacamole

Foods that make your belly fat:
1. Cheese
2. Margarine
3. Red Wine

Andy's Salt Detox Recipes


Dr. Oz The Warnings Signs Of Alzheimer's And How To Reduce The Risk Of Alzheimer's

Find out the warning signs of Alzheimer's and 3 tips to reduce your risk.

Dr Oz Alzheimer's Fighting Foods
Dr Oz Foods That Fight Alzheimer's
Dr Oz Says Learn how eating the right combination of 3 super nutrients can deliver a powerful dose of Alzheimer’s prevention. Dr Oz Alzheimer's Fighting Foods - Foods That Fight Alzheimer's

Infertility Causes and Solutions - Amy and Brian
Alzheimer's Warning signs, symptoms and risks, The disease that steals your mind. It steals your memory and there is no cure for it.
The 3 step plan for Alzheimer's
The organs that detox the body
Removing warts

Haiti Earthquake Relief
Help provide immediate relief by donating to the American Red Cross.

Dr. Gary Small joins Dr. Oz today on "Do You Know The Warning Signs for Alzheimer's", and The 3 ways to reduce the risks. Dr. Oz says we are either going to get it, or know someone who has Alzheimer's. If you are over the age of forty you may have thought about Alzheimer's, and do I have it, or am I going to get it. It is a question that haunts us because it's a disease that has a long slow death sentence. Day by day, year by year it robs us of our ability to function.

Dr. oz answers questions today for people who are afraid they already have this disorder, and reveal the top warning signs, plus ways to reduce the risks.

As we age we expect a certain amount of memory loss, maybe even confusion. But sometimes it doesn't end there, and you struggle with simple situations that used to come naturally like finding your keys or handling money, and even getting lost in your own neighbourhood. Are these the first signs of the disease that steals your mind.

A new case of Alzheimer's is diagnosed every 7 seconds, Alzheimer's is progressive and irreversible.

Know The Signs Of Alzheimer's

Seniors Moments Or Alzheimer's - Dr. Small says everyone has memory slips, Alzheimer's is rarer but it's more serious. It's when those memory slips begins to interfere with everyday life. By the age of 65, 5 percent of us are at risk for Alzheimer's. Dr. Small says the sooner we understand and recognize the warning signs and the sooner we get help, the sooner we are going to feel better. There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, but if someone is having a problem, by going to the doctor it may turn out to be something else. It could be depression, it could be a medication problem.

Dr. Small said he has seen people come in that are moderate to severely impaired with Alzheimer's, and if they had come to him earlier he could of helped them much more. Dr. oz and Dr. Small compared a normal brain to an Alzheimer's brain, there was a major difference, one being that the brain was shrunken in comparison to the brain of someone that didn't have Alzheimer's.

1. Memory Loss - The first warning sign for Alzheimer's. When memory loss begins to disrupt your life.
Get The Dr. Oz Alzheimer's Memory Test. It's a very simple test to take to see if you may have a problem.

2. Genetics - A small percentage of people actually have a genetic cause that is 100 percent causing the disease. It is in families with early onset Alzheimer's, starts in their fifties, and about 50 percent of the relatives are affected.

3. Health Problems - High Cholesterol and High blood pressure are risk factors for Alzheimer's, but they are risk factors you can control.

4. New Problems With Words - When it becomes for frequent.

5. Misplacing Things - Dr. Oz and Dr. Small says this usually means something more profound is going on, that something more serious may be going on.

The Three Step Plan For Alzheimer's

1. Exercise everyday, a ten minute walk or any kind of aerobic conditioning will help lower your risk for Alzheimer's.

2. Workout your mind as well as your body - do jumping jacks for the brain. Workout your right brain with jigsaw puzzles, your left brain with crossword puzzles. Train, but don't strain your brain.

3. Take care of your diet, eat a brain healthy diet, which is similar to a heart smart diet. Dr Oz said dancing is great for the brain, it is exercise for the body, plus mental activity.

Dr. oz says eat leafy greens because they have a lot of B Vitamins in them. Olive oil for the Omega 9 fats. Dr. Oz says the number one thing that helps in the reduction of Alzheimer's is Curry. In India the incidence of Alzheimer's seems to be less than the U.S. The Curcumin in curry seems to reduce some of the changes that occur in the Alzheimer's brain. Dr. oz recommends two servings of curry foods a week. Dr. Small says that people who ate Indian food at least once a week performed better on their Memory Quiz

Dr. Oz showed the story of Laurie who was born and raised in North Dakota along with her sister and four brothers. Laurie who is only fifty years old has Alzheimer's, and so does most of her family. Her father was diagnosed in 1977 with Alzheimer's at the age of 41. Laurie's says her Grandmother probably died from the same disease in her fifties. Soon Laurie's Father's brother and sister were also diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

When Laurie grew up and married and started a family of her own, she found out that two of her brothers were diagnosed with Alzheimer's, that's when she realized she had trouble too, forgetting things more and more. Dr.'s suggested Genetic testing for the family, which they did. Laurie found out that her 4 brothers and herself have the gene mutation for early onset Alzheimer's. This means 100 percent they have the disease. Only Laurie's sister Carla escaped the curse of Alzheimer's. Laurie's biggest fear is has she passed this disease along to her children.

Dr. Anitha Nair joined Dr. Oz today to help a couple Amy and Brian with their infertility problems. After 7 years of being together, 18 months ago they decided they wanted to start a family, but hings just didn't turn out that way. Dr. Oz had testing done previous to the airing of the show and it turns out Brians semen analysis turned out to be abnormal.

Dr. Nair explained the options available to people for the problem of not being able to conceive.

1. Ovulation Induction is tried first.
2. Artificial Insemination
3. In vitro Fertilization

Dr Nair told Amy and Brian she was happy to tell them that she will be their doctor, and that Shady Grove is paying all costs.

Shady Grove Fertility


The organs That are responsible for detoxing your body are;

1. Kidney: Cleans the blood of toxins and urine, which in turn cleans the bladder. Drink water to keep your kidney’s working well.
2. Liver: Processes alcohol. It’s the only organ in the body that can completely regenerate. Include anti-oxidants in your diet to keep it healthy.
3. Lungs: Rids the body of waste.


Joined by expert Dr. Evans, Dr. Oz discuss some of the best (and safest) ways to remove warts.

out of all the things Dr. Oz showed to use to get rid of warts, he and his family uses Duct Tape. Duct tape is highly recommended over the spray freeze, the medicated patches, and Salicylic acid. Watch the video!


In this segment of the show Dr. Oz answers the questions about why our eyes water and a question from Freddie with huge problem of morning erections, and is it natural. Dr. Oz says you get about 5 erections a night and it's normal, and that you have a lot of testosterone between 6:00a.m and 10:00a.m. in the mornings.

Haiti Earthquake Relief
Help provide immediate relief by donating to the American Red Cross.